產品簡介 數顯表面洛氏硬度計,是一種較為,采用大屏幕顯示和操作的數字式顯示硬度值的表面洛氏硬度計。通過大屏幕觸摸操作,可對表面洛氏硬度標尺進行選擇,數字式顯示測試數據,種硬度值之間的換算。并具有對測試數據儲存、打印輸出、RS-232超終端設置等功能,本機具有很好的穩定性和直觀性。 適用范圍 表面淬火鋼,材料表面熱處理和化學處理,銅、鋁合金等薄板,鍍鋅、鍍鉻、鍍錫材料,軸承鋼,冷硬鑄件等。 Digital Superficial Rockwell Hardness Tester adopts novel-designed large LCD screen to display, as well as menu structure. It mainly functions are as follows: 1. Selection of Rockwell hardness scales, 2. Exchange hardness values among hardness scales, 3. Output the results of hardness measurement with printer, 4. RS-232 hyper terminal setting is with good reliability, excellent operation and easy watching. Usage Range: Surface hardened steel, surface heat treating and chemical treating materials, copper, aluminum alloy sheet, zinc layers, chrome layers, tin layers, bearing steel, cold and hard casting parts, etc. 數據( Technical Specifications)表面洛氏標尺 (Superficial Rockwell Scales) | HR15N, HR30N, HR45N, HR15T, HR30T, HR45T | 初試驗力(Initial Testing Force) | 3Kg (29.42N) | 試驗力(Testing Force) | 15Kg (147.1N), 30Kg (294.2N), 45Kg (441.3N) | 轉換標尺( Exchange Scales) | 洛氏、布氏、維氏( Superficial Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers) | 硬度讀取(Indication of Hardness Value) | 大屏幕數字顯示 ( Digital Display with Large LCD Screen) | 數據輸出(Data Output) | 內置打印機和RS-232接口( Inside Printer and RS-232 Interface) | 保荷時間(Duration Time) | 0~60S | 試件Z大高度(Max Height of Specimen) | 170mm | 儀器尺寸(Overall Dimension) | 520×240×720mm (長×寬×高, L X W X H) | 儀器重量( Net Weight ) | 約80kg | 電源(Power supply) | AC220V±5%,50~60Hz | 執行標準(Carried Standard) | GB/T230.2標準( GB/T 230.2 Chinese Standard) JJG112檢定規程( JJG112 Inspection Rule) | 標準配件 附件 (Standard Accessories) | 金剛石洛氏壓頭,直經1.5875mm硬質合金球壓頭,大平試臺、中平試臺、“V”型試臺,硬度塊,RS-232通訊線,電源線 Diamond Rockwell Indenter, Diameter 1.5875mm Hard Alloy Steel Ball Indenter, Large Testing Table , Medium Testing Table and V-shaped Testing table, HR30N and HR30T Hardness Blocks, RS-232 Interface, Power Cable, etc. |
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