Optical clock recovery for 9/125 fibers
Wavelength range: 1200-1600 nm
Data rates: 0.155/0.622/1.250/2.488/2.500 Gb/s
PLL bandwidth: 50 to 70 kHz (internal triggering), 4 to 5 MHz (external output)
Input power: -20 to +3 dBm
86100A/B Infiniium DCA Mainframes
86100C Infiniium DCA-J Mainframe
86100D Infiniium DCA-X Mainframe
The 86100 family of wide-bandwidth oscilloscopes offers single connection measurements - no external trigger is required. With the addition of the Keysight 83491/92/93/94A series of clock recovery receiver modules, reliable parametric testing becomes easy even when you do not have access to a clock signal.
The Keysight 8349X series of plug-in receiver modules cover the three most popular transmission media in use today - electrical lines, multimode fiber and single-mode fiber. A built-in coupler/splitter reduces external hardware required for triggering. No more need for awkward cables just to get a trigger - simply plug in your test signal, select your data rate, and make your measurements.