Pneumatic three-way regulating valve has two types of structure: confluence and diversion. The structure consists of a multi-spring pneumatic film actuator and a three-way confluence (shunt) valve with a cylindrical thin-walled window core. The structure consists of a multi-spring pneumatic membrane actuator and a three-way confluence (diversion) valve with a cylindrical thin-walled window spool. The technology of pneumatic three-way regulating valve should be combined with domestic technology. A new generation of pneumatic three-way regulating valve has been successfully developed. Pneumatic three-way regulating valve adopts thin-walled cylindrical window and side-oriented spool. The valve body is three-way structure, i.e. one-in-two-out (diversion type) and two-in-one-out (confluence type), so as to meet the requirements of different industries and mines for mixing, heating or cooling of fluids, or unequal diversion of fluids. The pneumatic three-way regulating valve has the advantages of compact structure, light weight, sensitive action, low pressure drop loss, large valve capacity, accurate flow characteristics and simple installation and maintenance.
三通閥有三個出入口與管道相連,相當于兩臺單座閥合成一體。 按作用分為合流閥(兩進一通)與分流閥(一進兩通)。 工作時,一路全開,一路全關,所以關閉時受力與單座閥相似,不平衡力大。 三通閥閥芯與套筒閥的套筒一樣,其截留面積有開大窗和打小孔(噴射型)兩種,后者有降低噪音,減小共振的功能。按作用方式分為三通合流調節閥和三通分流調節閥兩種。合流調節閥是兩種流體通過閥加以混合,例如兩種不同溫度的流體通過閥混合溫度介于前兩者之間的流體。這種閥有兩個進口和一個出口。分流調節閥是把一種流體通過閥后分成兩路,當閥在關閉一個出口的同時就打開了另一個出口,這種閥有一個入口和兩個出口。 但其合流調節閥和分流調節閥芯位置不一樣,合流調節閥的閥芯位于兩閥座之內,分流閥的閥芯位于兩閥座之外,這樣設計閥芯,可以使流動方向將閥芯處于流開狀態,合流調節閥能穩定操作。所以,一般而言,合流調節閥應用于合流的場合,分流調節閥應用于分流的場合
注:常溫型工作溫度-20-+200℃,泄露等級為Ⅳ級。高溫型閥蓋增設散熱片,可用于介質溫度-60-+450℃的場合>。波紋管密封型對上下移動的閥桿形成*的密封,堵絕流體外漏。 低溫型采用加長閥蓋加隔熱板結構可于-196℃深冷場合。