三通球閥 Three way type ball valve
法蘭連接 L型(Q44)T型(Q45)
三通球閥 Flange connection L firuer(Q44)T figure(Q45) three way type ball valve
用途及結構 Uses and structure
主要零件材料及適用工況 Material of main parts and suitable working conditions產品概述
三通球閥 Three way type ball valve
法蘭連接 L型(Q44)T型(Q45)
三通球閥 Flange connection L firuer(Q44)T figure(Q45) three way type ball valve
用途及結構 Uses and structure
主要零件材料及適用工況 Material of main parts and suitable working conditions
產品型號 Type of product
1、國標 Chinese standard
2、美標 American standard
3、日標 Japanese standard
Notes:1、If the four seats construct is chosen,the code"Q"in the model should be changed as "Qs",as a case in Qs45F-16c.
2、If sealing ring uses polyphenylester,the code"F"of sealing face material is changes as "Fs",as a case in Q44Fs-16c.
主要連接尺寸及重量()Main connection dimensions and weights(National standard)