


  • 美國OMEGA歐米茄CT6101_CT6102_CT610圓形圖表記錄儀


  • 型號
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新時間2020-12-16
  • 廠商性質生產廠家
  • 入駐年限7
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量503
  • 人氣值842

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The CT6100 Series microprocessorbased circular chart recorders are available in 1-, 2-, or 3-channel variants. They combine the simplicity and clarity of pen drawing with the versatility of microproce......
美國OMEGA歐米茄CT6101_CT6102_CT610圓形圖表記錄儀 產品詳情
  • Accepts Thermocouple, RTD, Vdc, and mA DC Inputs
  • High Accuracy and Stability
  • User Configurable via Front-Panel Keypad
  • Easy-to-Use Menu-Driven Interface for Rapid Configuration and Calibration
  • Available in 1-, 2-, or 3-Pen Versions
  • Large-Character Alphanumeric LCD with Backlight
  • Simultaneous Digital Display of Process Variable for Each Channel
  • Programmable Locks for Security

The CT6100 Series microprocessorbasedcircular chart recorders areavailable in 1-, 2-, or 3-channelvariants. They combine the simplicityand clarity of pen drawing with theversatility of microprocessor control.Each channel is compatible with allindustry-standard sensors and signals,including thermocouple types J, K,T, E, N, R, S, and B; Pt100 platinumRTDs; and 4 or 20 mA current loops.

Low and high measurement rangesare provided for each input type;separate range cards are not required.Multi-input versions featureoptoelectronic isolation of the inputstages to eliminate troublesomeinstallation ground loops. Multislopeintegrating 16-bit A/D convertersensure precise measurement bysampling the input every 0.5 seconds.

Thermocouple and RTDcharacteristics are fully linearized.The recorders use automaticcold-junction compensation forthermocouple measurement.

All CT6100 Series models featurealarm relays. Single-pen recordersare equipped with 3 fail-safe singlepolechangeover relays; 6 relays arestandard on the 2- and 3-pen versions.Color-coded LEDs indicate the statusof each relay. All relay functions areuser selectable: setpoint values andhysteresis levels are entereddirectly via the keypad, while relayaction and channel assignment areselected from user-friendly menus.Circuit precision is matched by thebacklash-free pen-drive mechanism,which has a positioning resolution ofbetter than 0.1%. An integral feedbackpotentiometer enablesclosed-loop monitoringof each pen position.

Each recorder uses a low-maintenancestepper motor. The rotation speedof the 244 mm diameter chart ismicroprocessor controlled and userprogrammable.

All CT6100 recorders are housed ina strong molded case that can bepanel or surface mounted. Agasket-lockable door protectsinternal components from harshindustrial environments and offersprotection rated to NEMA 12 (IP55).A tough acrylic window lets the userview the chart trace, digital channelreadings, and alarm status with therecorder's door closed.

Input Types:
Thermocouple K, T, J, N, E, B, R, S; Platinum RTD (Pt100) 3-wire; ±2V, +20 Vdc; ±2 mA, ±20 mA
Input Ranges: Thermocouples to BS4937 (type B minimum temp 200°C); RTD to BS1904:1984
Cold Junction Compensation: Automatic; ±0.02°C/°C stability
Input Resistance:
Thermocouple: 10 MΩ
±2 mA: 200 Ω
±20 mA: 20 Ω
±2V, ±20V: >1 MΩ
Min Span: 5°C (9°F), thermocouples K, J, T, E, N and RTD; 50°C (90°F) other thermocouple types, 50 mV, 200 mA
T/C BURN-OUT: Pull-up or pull-down, selectable
RTD Lead Resistance: 3-wire, compensated up to 10 Ω max per lead
Input Protection: ±50 Vdc on signal inputs
Input Isolation: Optoelectronic on 2 and 3 input models 500 Vrms channelto- channel, 500 Vrms channel-to-ground
Sensor/Transmitter Power: 12 or 24 Vdc, 25 mA, selectable; for current loop inputs


RTD, Low Range (-200 to 200°C): ±0.2°C
RTD, High Range (200 to 850°C): ±0.8°C
Thermocouple: ±0.25% FS
Voltage/Current: ±0.2% FS
Temperature Stability: ±0.02% FS/°C
Linearization Accuracy:
T/C Types J, K, T, N, E: ±0.1°C, -50 to 200°C, ±1°C max
T/C Types R and S: ±0.2°C, -50 to 200°C, ±1°C max
T/C Type B: ±1°C max
RTD: ±0.1°C, -200 to 850°C
Calibration Shift: ±10°C user programmable to eliminate sensor errors (T/C and RTD)

Chart and Display
Chart Size:
244 mm (9.6") dia; 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80 linear divisions
Chart Drive: DC stepper motor
Chart Speeds: 1 to 24 hours in steps of one hour, 2 to 31 days in steps of 1 day
Writing Method: Disposable ink cartridges; pen 1-red; pen 2-green; pen 3-blue
Pen Positioner: DC stepper motor
Positioning Resolution: >0.1% FS
Response Time: Zero to full scale in 4.5 sec
Pen Lift: Powered, activated from front panel; chart fast time advance possible with pens raised
Display: 2 line x 20 character dot matrix liquid crystal with backlight and automatic temperature compensation; 9.6 mm (0.37") character height
Display Resolution: 0.1°C for temperature inputs, software programmable for voltage/current inputs
Alarm Display: Relay status shown by red and green front panel LEDs Relays
Type: SPDT; 30 Vdc or 250 Vac @ 6 A max; 150 W DC, 1660 Vac non-inductive
Action: Software selectable from: high alarm/low alarm/deviation alarm/control relay (high)/control relay (low); relays de-energize in alarm state; assignable to any channel
Hysteresis: User programmable 0.0% to 10% span
Snubber Network: 22 nF and 100 Ω across each contact

Analog Output (Option)
0 to 20/4 to 20 mA; assignable to any channel; range selectable within any segment of chart range
Resolution: 12-bit
Compliance: 20V approx
Isolation: Optoelectronic
Action: direct or reverse General
Security: 3-level software lock including password protection, internal hardware jumper lock, lockable door
Power: 115 or 230 Vac ±10%, switch
selectable, 50/60Hz: terminal block connection
Power Requirements: <25 W
Operating Ambient: 0 to 55°C (32 to 131°F), 0 to 90% RH (non condensing)
Case: Steel, with glass-filled polyester resin door with acrylic window
Protection: NEMA 12 (IP55)
Mounting: Panel or surface
Dimensions: 336 W x 396 H x 171 mm D (13.2 x 15.6 x 6.7")
Weight: From single pen: 7 kg (15.4 lb)
to three pen: 7.7 kg (17.0 lb)
Panel Cutout: 288 W x 356 mm H (11.3 x 14.0")

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