上海榮計達儀器科技有限公司 經營水泥實驗儀器、混凝土實驗儀器、公路土工實驗儀器、干粉砂漿保溫砂漿實驗儀器、瀝青防水材料實驗儀器、油漆涂料實驗儀器、無損檢測等實驗儀器 經營水泥實驗儀器、混凝土實驗儀器、公路土工實驗儀器、干粉砂漿保溫砂漿實驗儀器、瀝青防水材料實驗儀器、油漆涂料實驗儀器、無損檢測等實驗儀器。公司產品憑借過硬的質量、完善的售后服務、合理的價格各大院校、檢測單位、建材企業、工程建設單位。在消費者當中享有較高的地位和良好的口碑,用戶遍布國內近三十個省市、自治區,并遠銷國外,與用戶建立了長期穩定的合作關系。公司實力雄厚,重信用、守合同。有健全的管理制度和完善健全的質量管理體系。并有反應迅速、服務周到的售后服務系統。我們將不懈努力、一如既往以優異的品質為客戶服務。
Shanghai Rongjida Instrument Technology Co Ltd. operates cement experiment equipment, concrete experiment equipment, highway geotechnical experiment equipment, dry mortar thermal insulation mortar experiment equipment, asphalt waterproof material experiment equipment, paint coating experiment equipment, non-destructive testing and other experimental equipment. Operating cement experiment equipment, concrete experiment equipment, highway geotechnical experiment equipment, dry mortar thermal insulation mortar experiment equipment, asphalt waterproof material experiment equipment, paint coating experiment equipment, non-destructive testing and other experimental equipment. Company products rely on excellent quality, perfect after-sales service, reasonable prices sell well in major universities, testing units, building materials enterprises, engineering construction units. It enjoys a high status and a good reputation among consumers, and has customers in nearly 30 provinces, cities, and autonomous regions in China, and has been exported to foreign countries. It has established long-term and stable cooperative relationships with users. The strength of the company, credit and contract compliance. Have a sound management system and a sound quality management system. And has a responsive and thoughtful after-sales service system. We will make unremitting efforts to serve our customers with excellent quality as always.
耐磨擦試驗機是 檢測儀器,用于評價紙質印刷品油墨層耐磨擦性優劣的裝置。對測定的印刷油墨試樣進行來回磨擦,是油墨生產廠家和油墨研究部門必少的檢定工具。
The abrasion tester is a testing instrument used to evaluate the abrasion resistance of the ink layer of paper prints. Rubbing the measured printing ink samples back and forth is an essential verification tool for ink manufacturers and ink research departments.
耐磨擦試驗機符合相關標準:ASTM D 5264-98及GB/T 7706。
The abrasion tester complies with relevant standards: ASTM D 5264-98 and GB / T 7706.
★速度可調:0-54 次/分鐘
★配重砝碼:250g× 2 ,500g×1
★整機重量:20 kg
Technical parameters of abrasion tester:
★ Motor power: 60W
★ Speed adjustable: 0-54 times / minute
★ Grinding head weight: 1000g
★ Counterweight: 250g × 2, 500g × 1
★ Dimensions: 260 × 240 × 340mm (length × width × height)
★ Machine weight: 20 kg
NMC-II abrasion tester related products paint film abrasion meter, wood abrasion meter, falling sand abrasion tester, coating abrasion meter, paint film polisher, stain resistance tester, coating abrasion tester