日本OPTEX PT -S80手持型*是PT303紅外測溫儀的升級換代產品,PT303紅外測溫儀在市場上深受用戶喜愛,PT-S80手持型*性能提升,價格不變,:.
日本OPTEX PT-S80手持型*
紅外測溫儀PT-S80測溫范圍:- 30 ~ 600 ℃
同軸雷射照準 ,顯示ZUIGAO / ZUI低值
日本OPTEX PT-S80手持型*
PT-S80/ PT-U80 規格 | |
EL冷光機 能 | 大型3段表示 LED |
同軸雷射光 | MAX /MIN 表示機能 |
上 /下限 警告機能 | 收納皮套 |
警告機能 | 時間警告機能 |
PT-S80規格 | |
連續測定機能 | 1點儲存機能 |
PT-U80 規格 | |
連續設定機能 | 放射率補正(0.3 - 1.2) |
PC連接 | 35點儲存 |
日本OPTEX PT-S80*的技術參數:
距離系數: D∶S=33∶1
光學系: SILICON鏡頭
檢測紅外波長: 8~14um
響應時間: 0.5sec/90%
測量精度: -30-0 ±3℃ 0.1-200 ±2℃ 201-600 ±1%
再現性: 讀取值±1℃
分辨率: -30.0-199.9 :0.1℃ 200-600:1℃
放射率: 0.95、0.85、0.70切換
上下線溫度警告: 警告LED,蜂鳴器,ON/OFF切換
電源: 5號(AA)電池2節
電池壽命: 約15小時
使用環境溫度: 0~50℃
使用環境濕度: 35~85%RH
保存溫度范圍: -10~60℃
重量: 250g
外形尺寸: H×W×D=182×56×38mm
For a clear view of your measurement values, we equipped the display with an EL back light. In addition, we incorporated the large LCD with 3 display levels allowing more information to be shown more clearly and with larger sized characters.
As the EL back light is sensor activated, it lights only when ambient light conditions are low.
Users will be satisfied under many different lighting conditions at the ease of reading the PT-80 display.
Collecting and storing measurement data for reports can be tedious..
For efficient use of measured data, we equipped the PT-U80 with the ability to Send/Receive data when connected to a PC via USB. Using imported data for creating reports is easy. With the Preset Report Form it becomes even easier. Each data setting is also possible on the PC side.
The software is downloadable from our website.
If the laser pointer is shifted off-axis from an actual measurement center, it is difficult to accurately locate it again in the same place. To solve this difficulty, the PT-80 is equipped with a co-axial laser marker which points at the exact center of the measurement area, independent of working distance.
Often, measurement from a long distance can be difficult and sometimes impossible due to a wide measurement area.
The PT-80’s measurement area is 30 x 30 mm from a distance of 1 m. Even from 5 m, its long-focus design still manages an area of only 150 x 150 mm. So safe and secure measurement is possible even in difficult to reach or dangerous locations.
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Checking for hot spots in an electrical panel. | Checking for abnormal heating in a bearing. |