風速范圍: 100 to 5500 ft/min, 0.5 to 28 m/s, 2 to 100 km/h, 1 to 62 mph, 1 to 54.3 knots, 1 to 17 Beaufort.
溫度/風冷量范圍: 0 to 122°F (0.1°)/-18 to 50°C (0.1°).
濕度范圍: 10% to 95% (model 45158 only).
精度: Wind speed: ±3% of reading; Temperature: ±1.8°F/±1°C; Relative Humidity: ±5% RH.
風速單位: m/s, mph, knots, km/hr, ft/min, Beaufort.
分辨率: 0.2 mph.
采樣時間: 1 reading per second.
平均值: 5, 10, or 13 second intervals.
防水: to 3 ft (1 meter).
風速低限: Limits: 0.5 to 89 mph.
電源: Lithium battery (CR-2032 or equivalent) 400 hour life expectancy, replaceable.
自動關閉: 30 minutes after last key is pressed.
葉輪: Plastic, replaceable.
外殼: Plastic.
重量: 3 oz (95 g).
認證: CE.