MSOX6004A 混合信號示波器:1 GHz 至 6 GHz,4 個模擬通道和 16 個數字通道
1 - 6 GHz;
4 個模擬通道和 16 個數字通道;
擁有區域觸發功能和高達 450,000 波形/秒的更新速率,使您可以通過 12.1 英寸多點觸控電容屏輕松查看和隔離信號;
1 GHz 帶寬,1 mV/格設置下的本底噪聲僅為 115 Vrms,可實現更精確的測量;
僅 6 英寸厚的便攜式封裝,使您可以在任何地方進行高效測量;
Main features and functions:
1-6 GHz;
4 analog channels and 16 digital channels;
With area trigger and up to 450000 waveform / second update rate, you can easily view and isolate signals through a 12.1-inch multi-touch capacitor screen;
The background noise of 1 GHz bandwidth / 1 mV/ lattice is only 115Vrmswhich can be measured more accurately;
A 6 inch thick portable package that allows you to measure efficiently anywhere;
Standard histogram and color level features allow you to view signal analysis details faster;
Jitter and eye chart analysis options for you to display the integrity of the signal performance;
Comprehensive upgrade features, scalable oscilloscope function;