LTS 吸頭與新型推桿設計提供****的準確度和精確性,確保所有通道的吸液量和分液量**一致。
內置 RFID 提供輕松的服務和校準跟蹤。對移液物品進行資產管理和維護安排。
Accelerate Your Workflow
With liquid ends made of durable, lightweight materials new mechanical designs, the XLS+ offer unique advantages over other multichannels.
Reduced weight (up to 35% less than previous models), lighter pipetting forces and reduced peak tip ejection forces make the XLS+ easy to use, even for the most strenuous tasks.
The sealing system minimizes “piston stickiness,” providing greater control, particularly with applications that require slow, careful pipetting.
Sophisticated mechanical designs ensure high performance, and superior channel-to-channel consistency.
規格 - 手動12道移液器 L12-50XLS+
容量范圍 | 5 µL – 50 µL |
增量(手動) | 0.05 µL |
準確性 ± | 5 µL : 3.5 % / 0.18 µL ; 25 µL : 1.2 % / 0.3 µL ; 50 µL : 0.8 % / 0.4 µL |
精度 ± | 5 µL : 1.5 % / 0.075 µL ; 25 µL : 0.4 % / 0.1 µL ; 50 µL : 0.2 % / 0.1 µL |
吸頭技術 | 輕觸式去吸頭系統 LTS |
通道 | 12 |