美國 Koehler 產(chǎn)品
各種油品測試儀器 (Petroleum Testing Equipment)
黏度測試儀器 (VISCOSITY)
美國 Koehler 公司生產(chǎn)各種油品相關測試儀器,詳細資料歡迎洽詢
Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids ASTM D445; IP 71; ISO 3104; DIN 51550; FTM 791-305 . Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalts (Bitumens) ASTM D2170 Viscosity of Asphalts By Vacuum Capillary Viscometer ASTM D2171 Viscosity and Viscosity Change After Standing at Low Temperature of Aircraft Turbine Lubricants ASTM D2532 Low Temperature Viscosity of Automotive Fluid Lubricants Measured by Brookfield Viscometer ASTM D2983. Saybolt Viscosity ASTM D88; AASHTO T72; FTM 791-304 Saybolt Furol Viscosity of Bituminous Materials at High Temperatures ASTM E102
Viscosity Reference Standards