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  • N5225A PNA微波網絡分析儀

N5225A PNA微波網絡分析儀

  • 型號
  • 品牌
  • 所在地蘇州市
  • 更新時間2022-08-09
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 所在地區蘇州市
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量158
  • 人氣值201

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    我司成立于 2010 年,公司簡稱:美藍電子儀器公司,目前職員工約50 人,辦公室面積合計約 500 平方,
N5225A PNA微波網絡分析儀 產品詳情
Keysight 2-Port and 4-Port PNA Network Analyzer

N5225A 10 MHz to 50 GHz


  • 選件
  • 售后升級



了解詳細信息: 查看配置指南



查看全部資料: 訪問文檔庫




  • Data Sheet and Technical Specifications, N5224A and N5225A 2-Port and 4-Port PNA Network Analyzers
  • Keysight Spectrum Analysis for PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X/N5290A/N5291A
  • Data Sheet and Technical Specifications, N5224A and N5225A PNA Network Analyzers Option 210 and 410
  • 更多 


  • Service Guide - N5224A & N5225A 2-Port and 4-Port PNA Microwave Network Analyzers
  • Keysight Technologies 2-port/4-port N522xA to N522xB PNA Model Upgrade Kit
  • Installation Note, Add Bias Tees Upgrade Kit to Upgrade N5224A or N5225A Option 417 to 419
  • 更多 


  • PNA and PNA-X Series Vector Network Analyzers (VNAs) - Option 090 Product Fact Sheet
  • 是德科技PNA和PNA-L系列微波網絡分析儀
  • Keysight PNA-B 系列微波網絡分析儀
  • 更多 


  • PNA Family Microwave Network Analyzers (N522x/3x/4xA) - Configuration Guide


  • PNA 幫助與編程指南推介 –– 部分
  • How to Connect an iPad to a PNA
  • Watch the new PNA video on Engineering TV from IMS 2011



  • 應用說明
  • 解決方案概述
  • 文章和案例分析
是德科技 矢量網絡分析的基本原理
是德科技 矢量網絡分析的基本原理
網絡分析的基礎知識 - 網絡分析儀的體系結構(AN 1287-2)
Applying Error Correction To Vector Network Analyzer Measurements - Application Note
Only perfect test equipment would not need correction. Imperfections exist in even the finest test equipment and cause less than ideal measurement results.
Network Analysis - In-Fixture Measurements (1287-9)
Network Analysis Solutions Advanced Filter Tuning Using Time Domain Transforms (AN 1287-10)
Tuning multi-stage, coupled-resonator band-pass filters is difficult due to interactions between resonator and coupling tuning. To achieve the proper pass-band response and to get low return loss you must precisely tune the frequency of each resonator and precisely set each coupling between the...
Specifying Calibration Standards and Kits for Keysight Vector Network Analyzers (AN 1287-11)
This paper discusses calibration standard definitions, calibration kit content, and its structure requirements for Keysight's vector network analyzers. Also provided are set up examples and how to modify an existing calibration kit definition file.
了解和改善 網絡分析儀的動態范圍
了解和改善 網絡分析儀的動態范圍
Network Analysis - De-embedding and Embedding S-Parameter Networks (1364-1)
At RF and microwave frequencies, it becomes difficult to directly measure devices with nonstandard connectors (for example, devices using surface-mount packaging).
Mixer Conversion-Loss and Group-Delay Meas. Techniques and Comparisons (1408-02) – Application Note
This paper compares techniques and instruments for measuring conversion loss and group delay on a single stage converter with an embedded low pass filter. Conversion loss using a: spectrum, scalar, and vector network analyzer.
是德科技 使用 PNA 微波網絡分析儀中的 頻率轉換器應用軟件改善測量和 校準精度
是德科技 使用 PNA 微波網絡分析儀中的 頻率轉換器應用軟件改善測量和 校準精度
PNA - Pulsed Measurement Accuracy (1408-11)
PNA - Analyze Lightwave Components (1408-14)
Measuring Power-Added Efficiency (PAE) with PNA Network Analyzers (1408-16) – Application Note
Making Accurate Intermodulation Distortion Measurements with the PNA-X (1408-17) – Application Note
This application note describes accuracy considerations when using the Keysight PNA-X microwave network analyzer for two-tone intermodulation distortion measurements.
Measuring Group Delay of Frequency Converters with Embedded LO
High Power Amplifier Measurements Using Keysight's Nonlinear Vector Network Analyzers AN 1408-19
This application note discusses the unique challenges involved in testing high-power devices using Keysight's N5242A nonlinear vector network analyzer(NVNA).
是德科技使用 PNA-X 系列網絡分析儀精確地測量噪聲系數
是德科技使用 PNA-X 系列網絡分析儀精確地測量噪聲系數
Active Device Characterization in Pulse Operation Using the PNA/PNA-X - Application Note
This AN discusses pulsed S-parameter measurements using the PNA-X series and measurement techniques that enable power-dependent active device characterization including compression and distortion.
是德科技 材料介電特性的測量基礎
是德科技 材料介電特性的測量基礎
Solutions for Active Device Test
This application note, Using Modern VNAs to Automate Traditional Multi-instrument RF Test Systems, shows how test system designers can design simpler test systems with the lowest overall cost of ownership.
On-Wafer SOLT Calibration Using 4-port PNA-L Network Analyzers - Application Note
This documentation is intended for on-wafer applications using the 4-port, 20 GHz, PNA-L network analyzer with two dual probes to achieve full 4-port on-wafer calibrations manually. This application note provides the step-by-step instructions needed to set up a calibration kit in order to perform a 4-port SOLT (Short-Open-Load-Thru) calibration using only three thrus.
Electronic vs. Mechanical Calibration Kits: Calibration methods and Accuracy – White Paper
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the differences between electronic and mechanical calibrations and how these differences affect measurement accuracy.
個性化校準: 新的電子校準特征允許用戶按照特殊需要校準
是德科技 使用網絡分析儀進行時域分析
是德科技 使用網絡分析儀進行時域分析
應用指南:高達 67 GHz 的晶圓噪聲系數測量優化
應用指南:高達 67 GHz 的晶圓噪聲系數測量優化
U3021PXx Interface kit for test set with jumper connectors to align with N524xA PNA-X and N522xA PNA
U3021PNx Interface kit for test set with jumper connectors to align with E836xB/C PNA and N5230A/C-x25 2-port PNA-L
Option 261 For use with E8361A/C 2-port PNA
Option 262 For use with E8362B/C 2-port PNA or N5230A/C-225 2-port PNA-L
Option 263 For use with E8363B/3C/4B/4C 2-port PNA or N5230A/C-425/525 2-port PNA-L
Option 430 For use with N5230A/C-245/246 4-port PNA-L
Option 242 For use with N5241/42/49A-2xx 2-port PNA-X or N5221A/2A-2xx 2-port PNA
Option 442 For use with N5241/42/49A-400 4-port PNA-X or N5221A/2A-4xx 4-port PNA
Option 245 For use with N5244A/5A-200 2-port PNA-X or N5224A/5A-2xx 2-port PNA
Option 445 For use with N5244A/5A-400 4-port PNA-X or N5224A/5A-4xx 4-port PNA
Option 247 For use with N5247A-200 2-port PNA-X or N5227A-2xx 2-port PNA
Option 447 For use with N5247A-400 4-port PNA-X or N5227A-4xx 4-port PNA


頻率50 GHz
動態范圍127 dB
輸出功率13 dBm
內置端口數量2 或 4 端口
諧波-60 dBc
掃描速度可達 201 個點5.5 ms
網絡分析儀系列PNA 高性能
  • 天線
  • 混頻器/變頻器
  • 放大器


2 ports, single source, base configuration (Option

2-ports, single source, base configuration (Option

2 ports, single source, with configurable test set
and source attenuators (Option 216)

2-ports, single source, with extended power range
(Option 217)

2-ports, single source, with extended power range
and bias-tee (Option 219)

4-ports, dual source, base configuration
(Option 400/410)

4-ports, dual source, with configurable test set
(Option 401)

4-ports, dual source, with extended power range
(Option 417)

4-ports dual source, with extended power range
and bias-tee (Option 419)

4 ports, single source, base configuration (Option

4 ports, single source, with configurable test set
and source attenuator (Option 416)

Automatic fixture removal (Option 007)

Time domain (Option 010)

Frequency offset (Option 080)

Scalar-calibrated converter measurements
(Option 082)

Vector- and scalar-calibrated converter
measurements (Option 083)

Embedded LO measurements (Option 084)

Gain compression application (Option 086)

Intermodulation distortion application
(Option 087)

Source phase control (Option 088)

Differential and I/Q devices application (Option 089)

Spectrum analyzer (Option 090)

Extended spectrum analyzer to 110 GHz
(Option 093)

Extended spectrum analyzer above 110 GHz
(Option 094)

Active Hot Parameters (Option 110/111)

Integrated true-mode stimulus application
(Option 460)

N-port capabilities (Option 551)

Noise figure measurements using standard receivers
(Option 028)

Fully-corrected noise figure measurements
(Option 029)

Pulsed-RF measurements (Option 008)

Add IF inputs for antenna and millimeterwave
(Option 020)

Add pulse modulator to internal first source
(Option 021)

Add pulse modulator to internal second source
(Option 022)

Add four internal pulse generators (Option 025)

Fast CW Sweep (Option 118)

Rack mount kit without handles (Option 1CM)

Rack mount kit with handles (Option 1CP)

Pulse I/O adapter (N1966A)

SIGLENT鼎陽 SNA5084X 矢量網絡分析儀 頻率范圍9kHz-8.5GHz 面議 深圳市 深圳市賽儀歐電子有限公司 2025-03-03 在線詢價
SNA5000X系列矢量網絡分析儀 面議 上海市 上海正衡電子科技有限公司 2025-03-10 在線詢價
矢量網絡分析儀 面議 北京市 北京西潤斯儀器儀表有限公司 2024-05-07 在線詢價
3GHz矢量網絡分析儀/矢量網絡儀 面議 北京市 北京亞歐德鵬科技有限公司 2016-12-19 在線詢價
DS7631矢量網絡分析儀 面議 上海市 上海雙旭電子有限公司 2024-12-18 在線詢價
N5242A PNA-X 系列微波網絡分析儀N5242A PNAX 面議 福州市 廈門欣銳儀器儀表有限公司 2017-09-14 在線詢價


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