SNZ-01,Hand Held Spray Tester手持式淋水裝置,依據IEC529-IP3/IP4等級試驗要求.品牌:美國.ED&D
美國.ED&D產品服務于:IBM ,美國航空暨太空總署,英代爾,蘋果, NCR ,索尼公司,太陽,飛利浦公司,思科, AT&T , Compaq , JVC , Hewlett-Packard ,摩托羅拉, Mattel ,戴爾,3 Com 等公司;專為UL , CSA , ETL , TUV,Demko等試驗室提供檢測產品
SNZ-01,Hand Held Spray Tester 手持式淋水裝置 | |
For checking the protection against water, to prove the degree of protection IPX3 and IPX4. Positioning of the shield allows for both "Protection against Spraying Water" and "Protection against Splashing Water" tests. The spray tester is the low cost alternative to the Oscillating Spray test for IPX3 and IPX4. Complete test device includes nozzle head, moving shield, pressure gauge, handle, flow control and shut off valve, and any connecting hose. Spherical cap of the spray nozzle is nickel-plated brass, all other metallic parts of stainless or nickel-plated steel. |