MWIR 熱像儀模塊+連續變焦鏡頭
Neutrino® Ground ISR 系列

Neutrino Ground ISR 系列是為開發陸基情報、監視和偵察 (ISR) 系統的集成商提供的交鑰匙解決方案。該系列將 Teledyne FLIR 的中波紅外 (MWIR) 熱像儀模塊和連續變焦 (CZ) 鏡頭與 InVeo Designs LLC 市場的圖像處理和控制電子設備相結合,以較低的轉換成本提供高性能 ISR 解決方案。Neutrino Ground ISR 系列不受國際貿易條例 (ITAR) 限制,通過提供工廠集成的 MWIR 成像系統,以及可靠、長壽命的線性冷卻器和業界采用的成像電子設備,可降低開發風險并縮短上市時間。
Neutrino SX12 ISR1200 是 Neutrino Ground ISR 系列的個型號。該產品采用 1280×1024/12 μm 分辨率的焦平面陣列 (FPA)、120 mm 至 1,200 mm 的 CZ 鏡頭和*的圖像處理,是一款可集成到遠程陸基 ISR、周界監控、邊界監控和反無人機 (CUAS) 系統中的理想 OEM 熱像儀模塊。
性能的 CZ 光學組件和 HD MWIR 熱像儀模塊
長焦距、性能驅動型 MWIR HD 熱像儀,配備長壽命線性冷卻器和充分集成的 CZ 光學組件。
業界采用的 InVeo Designs LLC 成像電子設備,結合 MWIR 熱像儀和 CZ 鏡頭,可提供的性能和兼容性。
Teledyne FLIR 的價值和聲譽
Teledyne FLIR 的高性能、可靠性和產品支持,以及業內功能面的高清 (HD) MWIR 熱像儀產品組合。

認識 Neutrino 系列
Teledyne FLIR 可滿足您的任何中波紅外 (MWIR) 成像應用需求。Teledyne FLIR 的 Neutrino’ 產品組合提供 SWaP+C 優化 VGA、SXGA 和 QXGA 分辨率攝像頭模塊,配備長壽命/低振動線性冷卻器、通用攝像頭接口和各種連續變焦鏡頭組合,是目前的解決方案。
- Center of Gravity
- See Mechanical IDD
- Thermal Extraction Method
- Heat sink, see IDD
- 輸入功率
- 24 VDC & 2.2 A Peak@ Cooldown, 23 °C
Environmental & Approvals
- Cooler Interface (Predictive maintenance)
- Monitors Operating Parameters:
Input Voltage and Current
Expander Temperature
Operating Time
Cool-Down Cycles
Cool-Down Time
Sensor Operating Temperature
- Fan Control
- Thermostat Control of 2x Cooling Fans
- Power Surge Suppress
- Active Suppresses When Cooler Enabled
- 存儲溫度范圍
- -50 °C to +85 °C (-58 °F to 185 °F)
- 工作溫度
- 77K, <5 minutes cooldown at 23 °C (73.4 °F), typical
- 工作溫度范圍
- -30 °C to +70 °C (-22 °F to 158 °F)
- 尺寸(長×寬×高)
- Length: 57.91 cm (22.8 in) Lens Diameter: 29 cm (11.4 in)
- 防水等級
- Front element sealed to IP-55 No Housing (Open Frame)
- 重量
- 14.51 kg (32 lb.)
- Boresight Drift Through Zoom
- 9 Pixels (0.10 mm) + plus alignment tolerance of 10 Pixels
- Cooler MTTF
- Up to 25,000 Hours
- Detection Recognition and Identification (DRI)
- The NV-IPM model results are for the NVFOV (EFL =1200mm) zoom position with a target characteristic dimension of 3.1m and target temperature of 4.0K. The ranges at which there is a 50% probability of achieving the task for the V50 measured task difficulties of 2.0 (detection), 9.0 recognition, and 13.0 (identification) are provided below.
Detection - 31 km
Recognition - 20 km
Identification - 16 km
- Drifting Pixel Filter
- Excessive magnitude with respect to 8 nearest neighbors
- Local Area Processed Dynamic Contrast Expansion with user adjustable background level and foreground boost
- Min to Max Zoom Time
- 4 Seconds
- Spatial Noise Reduction
- 3x3 Median Filter, 3x3 Gaussian Noise Reduction Filter, 5x5 Gaussian Noise Reduction Filter
- Wide to Narrow Co-Boresight
- 12.5 Pixels (0.15 mm) + plus alignment tolerance of 10 Pixels
- 變焦和對焦控制
- Manual (Four Speeds), Zoom to Specified Angle, Preset FOV (Infinity Focus)
- 傳感器材料
- InSb
- 非均勻性校正(NUC)
- Factory Calibrations: Two point (gain/offset), One-point update (optimizes offset), Defective / noisy pixel detection, 8 Op Modes with 2 NUC tables each
Operational (Run-Time) Calibrations: One-point refresh
- 光譜帶
- 3.4 -5.0 µm
- 光圈
- f/5.0
- 焦距
- 120-1200 mm, HFOV 7.2° to 0.72°
- 鏡頭類型
- 10x Continuous Zoom Maintain Focus Distance Through Zoom
- 全幀頻
- 30 Hz (Standard Gain), 60 Hz (High Gain)
- 熱像儀
- 1280 x 1024 Pixels (ISC1308)
- 數字變焦
- 1X/2X/4X Edge Preserving
- 調焦
- Manual, Manual Focus Bumping, Focus to Specified Distance, Focus to Infinity, Commanded / Continuous Autofocus
- 調色板
- Monochrome (3 Palettes)
False Color (11 Palettes)
True Color (3 Palettes) for Splash Screen
Normal or inverted display polarity
- 像素間距
- 12 µm
- 制冷器
- Cobham Carleton LC1062 Linear Stirling
- 快門
- Integrated Shutter for 1-Point Flat Field Correction (FFC)
- Dual Parallel Outputs
- Camera Link (Base) Output (14-bit NUC Corrected at Full Frame Format):
30 Hz (Standard Gain)
60 Hz (High Gain)
Display Output Options (10-bit (14 optional) fully processed video) (Select One):
720p60 HD-SDI (SMPTE)
1080p30 HD-SDI (SMPTE)
60 Hz 1280x1024 Camera Link (Base)
- 通信
- RS-422 UART COM, up to 921,600 Baud