


  • 現貨供應Beckhoff產品IP5209-B310-1000
  • 現貨供應Beckhoff產品IP5209-B310-1000
  • 現貨供應Beckhoff產品IP5209-B310-1000
  • 現貨供應Beckhoff產品IP5209-B310-1000
  • 現貨供應Beckhoff產品IP5209-B310-1000

倍福 IP5209-B310-1000 現貨供應Beckhoff產品IP5209-B310-1000

  • 型號倍福IP5209-B310-1000
  • 品牌其他品牌
  • 所在地上海市
  • 更新時間2025-02-23
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 入駐年限4
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量8718
  • 人氣值143896
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——歐美工業品集成商 上海 Dagger 是致力于為中國大陸廣大客戶提供一站式歐美原產工控 機電設備,儀器儀表,備品備件的采購供應商。公司立足上海。總部位于歐洲航 空中心德國法蘭克福,保證原裝,源頭采購,杜絕國內代理、辦事處、經銷商的層層 加價,給您一手的優惠報價,而且通過拼單發貨,并與優秀國際物流服務商攜手合作,保證 貨期的準確與快速,帶給客戶良好的購物體驗

產地進口 加工定制
beckoff IP5209-B310-1000 Fieldbus Box, 1-channel encoder interface, PROFIBUS, SinCos, 11 µApp, M23; connector: M23, 12-pin, screw-type
現貨供應Beckhoff產品IP5209-B310-1000 產品詳情

beckoff IP5209-B310-1000 Fieldbus Box, 1-channel encoder interface, PROFIBUS, SinCos, 11 µApp, M23; connector: M23, 12-pin, screw-type

品牌介紹:Beckhoff 倍福是一家工業自動化和控制系統供應商,總部位于德國。自1990年成立以來,Beckhoff 倍福一直致力于為客戶提供高質量、高性能的自動化和控制系統解決方案,涵蓋PLC、人機界面、運動控制、機器視覺等領域。Beckhoff 倍福的產品已廣泛應用于汽車、機床、半導體、食品飲料、物流等各個領域,深受客戶信賴。

該品牌主要經營的產品種類介紹:PLC控制器:Beckhoff 倍福提供各種類型的PLC控制器,包括模塊化PLC、高速PLC、安全PLC等,可滿足各種控制需求。

人機界面:Beckhoff 倍福提供各種類型的人機界面,包括觸摸屏、工業PC、手持終端等,可方便地實現人機交互。

運動控制:Beckhoff 倍福提供各種類型的運動控制產品,包括伺服驅動器、步進驅動器、運動控制卡等,可實現高精度的運動控制。

機器視覺:Beckhoff 倍福提供各種類型的機器視覺產品,包括工業相機、視覺傳感器、視覺處理軟件等,可實現高精度的視覺檢測和定位。

工業通信:Beckhoff 倍福提供各種類型的工業通信產品,包括以太網交換機、工業無線模塊、網絡通訊卡等,可實現可靠的工業通信。

主要應用領域:Beckhoff 倍福的產品廣泛應用于各個領域,包括制造業、物流、建筑自動化、機床等。其控制系統已應用于各種自動化生產線、機器人控制、半導體制造、食品飲料生產等領域,為客戶提供了高效、穩定、可靠的自動化控制方案。

常見產品系列及系列型號:Beckhoff 倍福的常見產品系列包括:








beckoff ZK7610-BL00-A010 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, male+female, pins 3+4, square flange, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 1.00 m

beckoff ZK7610-BM00-0005 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, female+ female, pins 3+4, rear assembly, P-coded 1 x M8, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7610-BM00-0010 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, female+ female, pins 3+4, rear assembly, P-coded 1 x M8, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 1.00 m

beckoff ZK7610-BM00-A005 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, female+male, pins 3+4, rear assembly, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7610-BM00-A010 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, female+male, pins 3+4, rear assembly, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 1.00 m

beckoff ZK7610-BN00-0005 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, male+male, pins 3+4, rear assembly, P-coded 1 x M8, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7610-BN00-0010 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, male+male, pins 3+4, rear assembly, P-coded 1 x M8, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 1.00 m

beckoff ZK7610-BN00-A005 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, male+female, pins 3+4, rear assembly, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7610-BN00-A010 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, male+female, pins 3+4, rear assembly, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 1.00 m

beckoff ZK7610-BO00-0005 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, female+ female, pins 3+4, front assembly, P-coded 1 x M8, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7610-BO00-0010 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, female+ female, pins 3+4, front assembly, P-coded 1 x M8, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 1.00 m

beckoff ZK7610-BO00-A005 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, female+male, pins 3+4, front assembly, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7610-BO00-A010 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, female+male, pins 3+4, front assembly, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 1.00 m

beckoff ZK7610-BP00-0005 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, male+male, pins 3+4, front assembly, P-coded 1 x M8, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7610-BP00-0010 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, male+male, pins 3+4, front assembly, P-coded 1 x M8, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 1.00 m

beckoff ZK7610-BP00-A005 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, male+female, pins 3+4, front assembly, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7610-BP00-A010 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, long, male+female, pins 3+4, front assembly, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 1.00 m

beckoff ZK7624-2425-A050 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, plug, straight, male+female, pins 4+4, EtherCAT-coded B17, plug, straight, female+male, pins 4+4, EtherCAT-coded, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7714-3031-0008 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B23, plug, straight, female+ female, pins 5+4, P-coded B23, plug, straight, male+male, pins 5+4, P-coded, 0.80 m

beckoff ZK7714-3031-0050 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B23, plug, straight, female+ female, pins 5+4, P-coded B23, plug, straight, male+male, pins 5+4, P-coded, 5.00 m

beckoff ZK7714-3031-0060 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B23, plug, straight, female+ female, pins 5+4, P-coded B23, plug, straight, male+male, pins 5+4, P-coded, 6.00 m

beckoff ZK7714-3031-A030 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded B23, plug, straight, male+female, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded, 3.00 m

beckoff ZK7714-3031-A050 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded B23, plug, straight, male+female, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded, 5.00 m

beckoff ZK7714-3031-A070 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded B23, plug, straight, male+female, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded, 7.00 m

beckoff ZK7714-3031-A090 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded B23, plug, straight, male+female, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded, 9.00 m

beckoff ZK7714-3031-A100 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded B23, plug, straight, male+female, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded, 10.00 m

beckoff ZK7714-3031-A120 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded B23, plug, straight, male+female, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded, 12.00 m

beckoff ZK7714-3031-A170 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded B23, plug, straight, male+female, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded, 17.00 m

beckoff ZK7714-3031-A180 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded B23, plug, straight, male+female, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded, 18.00 m

beckoff ZK7714-AS00-0005 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B23, flange, straight, short, female+ female, pins 5+4, square flange, P-coded 1 x M8, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7714-AS00-0020 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B23, flange, straight, short, female+ female, pins 5+4, square flange, P-coded 1 x M8, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 2.00 m

beckoff ZK7714-AS00-A005 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B23, flange, straight, short, female+male, pins 5+4, square flange, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7714-AT00-0005 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B23, flange, straight, short, male+male, pins 5+4, square flange, P-coded 1 x M8, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7714-AT00-0010 EtherCAT P cable, PUR, flex, B23, flange, straight, short, male+male, pins 5+4, square flange, P-coded 1 x M8, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 1.00 m

beckoff ZK7714-AT00-A005 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B23, flange, straight, short, male+female, pins 5+4, square flange, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7908-3031-A050 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, plug, straight, male+female, pins 4+PE+4, EtherCAT-coded B17, plug, straight, female+male, pins 4+PE+4, EtherCAT-coded, 5.00 m

beckoff ZK7908-3031-A100 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, plug, straight, male+female, pins 4+PE+4, EtherCAT-coded B17, plug, straight, female+male, pins 4+PE+4, EtherCAT-coded, 10.00 m

beckoff ZK7908-3031-A300 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, plug, straight, male+female, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded B17, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded, 30.00 m

beckoff ZK7908-AW00-A005 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, flex, B17, flange, straight, short, female+male, pins 5+4, front assembly, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 0.50 m

beckoff ZK7908-AW00-I002 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, B17, flange, straight, short, female+male, pins 4+PE+4, front assembly, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, power 5.00 m, 0.20 m

beckoff ZK7908-AW00-I003 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, B17, flange, straight, short, female+male, pins 4+PE+4, front assembly, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, power 5.00 m, 0.30 m

beckoff ZK7A14-3155-A010 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, ENP, PUR, drag-chain suitable, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 1.00 m

beckoff ZK7A14-3155-A020 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, ENP, PUR, drag-chain suitable, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 2.00 m

beckoff ZK7A14-3155-A030 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, ENP, PUR, drag-chain suitable, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 3.00 m

beckoff ZK7A14-3155-A050 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, ENP, PUR, drag-chain suitable, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 5.00 m

beckoff ZK7A14-3155-A060 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, ENP, PUR, drag-chain suitable, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 6.00 m

beckoff ZK7A14-3155-A070 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, ENP, PUR, drag-chain suitable, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 7.00 m

beckoff ZK7A14-3155-A080 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, ENP, PUR, drag-chain suitable, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 8.00 m

beckoff ZK7A14-3155-A100 EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, ENP, PUR, drag-chain suitable, B23, plug, straight, female+male, pins 5+4, EtherCAT-coded 1 x RJ45, plug, straight | 1 x open end, 10.00 m

"beckoff ZK7A26-3031-0010 flexible, drag-chain suitable EtherCAT P cable, mechanical coding 3,

(3 G 2.5 mm2 + 2 x 1.5 mm2 + (1 x 4 x AWG22)),

B23, plug, straight, female+female, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

B23, plug, straight, male+male, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

xxxx = ordering indication of the length of the motor cable in decimeters, 1.00 m"

"beckoff ZK7A26-3031-0015 flexible, drag-chain suitable EtherCAT P cable, mechanical coding 3,

(3 G 2.5 mm2 + 2 x 1.5 mm2 + (1 x 4 x AWG22)),

B23, plug, straight, female+female, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

B23, plug, straight, male+male, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

xxxx = ordering indication of the length of the motor cable in decimeters, 1.50 m"

"beckoff ZK7A26-3031-0020 flexible, drag-chain suitable EtherCAT P cable, mechanical coding 3,

(3 G 2.5 mm2 + 2 x 1.5 mm2 + (1 x 4 x AWG22)),

B23, plug, straight, female+female, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

B23, plug, straight, male+male, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

xxxx = ordering indication of the length of the motor cable in decimeters, 2.00 m"

"beckoff ZK7A26-3031-0025 flexible, drag-chain suitable EtherCAT P cable, mechanical coding 3,

(3 G 2.5 mm2 + 2 x 1.5 mm2 + (1 x 4 x AWG22)),

B23, plug, straight, female+female, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

B23, plug, straight, male+male, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

xxxx = ordering indication of the length of the motor cable in decimeters, 2.50 m"

"beckoff ZK7A26-3031-0030 flexible, drag-chain suitable EtherCAT P cable, mechanical coding 3,

(3 G 2.5 mm2 + 2 x 1.5 mm2 + (1 x 4 x AWG22)),

B23, plug, straight, female+female, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

B23, plug, straight, male+male, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

xxxx = ordering indication of the length of the motor cable in decimeters, 3.00 m"

"beckoff ZK7A26-3031-0035 flexible, drag-chain suitable EtherCAT P cable, mechanical coding 3,

(3 G 2.5 mm2 + 2 x 1.5 mm2 + (1 x 4 x AWG22)),

B23, plug, straight, female+female, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

B23, plug, straight, male+male, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

xxxx = ordering indication of the length of the motor cable in decimeters, 3.50 m"

"beckoff ZK7A26-3031-0040 flexible, drag-chain suitable EtherCAT P cable, mechanical coding 3,

(3 G 2.5 mm2 + 2 x 1.5 mm2 + (1 x 4 x AWG22)),

B23, plug, straight, female+female, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

B23, plug, straight, male+male, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

xxxx = ordering indication of the length of the motor cable in decimeters, 4.00 m"

beckoff ZK7A26-3031-0050 Example for 5 m length, 5.00 m

"beckoff ZK7A26-3031-0060 flexible, drag-chain suitable EtherCAT P cable, mechanical coding 3,

(3 G 2.5 mm2 + 2 x 1.5 mm2 + (1 x 4 x AWG22)),

B23, plug, straight, female+female, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

B23, plug, straight, male+male, 5+4 pin, EtherCAT-P coded

xxxx = ordering indication of the length of the motor cable in decimeters, 6.00 m"

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