二手標量網絡分析儀54147A ANRITSU
★54107A 純量測試系統(0.001-1.5GHz)
★54107A 純量測試系統(0.001-1.5GHz)
Analyzer Measurement modes TransmissiondB,return lossdB,SWRlinearSWR,optiona group delayns,powerdBmprecision return lossdBoptionaldistance-to-fault
Dynamic range -55 to +16dBm,autozeroing with DC detection
Inputs Three,two standard inputs,AB,with optionathird reference channel,ROption 5
Display channels Two channels are used to selectsimultaneouslydisplay any two inputs fromA,B,or R.The inputs can also be displayed asratios A/R or B/R.
Scale resolution 0.1 to 10dBm per division in 0.1dB steps
Cursor functions Searches for trace maximum,minimum,dB level,dBbandwidth,next markeractive marker
Averaging 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,or 256
Limit lines Two limit ines,either single value or multilevel segmented,for each trace.Segmented lines may be made from up to 10individually editable segments.
Auto-zero Performs an AC modulation cyclelowlevel calibration during sweeper ratrace
Save/Recall Thirteen sets of front panel set-ups andthirteen sets of trace memory can be stored in non-volatile instrument memory.
Trace mask A swept frequency measurement can be storedto a graticule trace mask for visual comparison to later measurements.
Disk drive Built-in 3.5 inch,1.44MB floppy disk drive
Autosave Automatically increments the trace datafile namereference number during successive data storage operationsto the DOS disk
Source Frequency range 1Mhz to 110GHz,model dependent
Alternate sweep Sweep alternay between frequenc yrangesset differently for channel 1channel 2
CW Provides single frequency outputboth channelsturned off
Frequency resolution Rf Model54107A,54109A,54111A:10kHz,Microwavemodels:100khz
Output power Maximum guaranteed levelled output poweris model dependent.
Reverse power protection UP to 5 Watts.Limited to 1 Watt with attenuatoroption
cation function Min/Max hold Save the minimummaximum values of successivesweeps or the combination of the two
Cursor functions Automatic cursor seach updates the bandwidth,minimum,ormaximum levels of the displayed trace.
Compression test automation Determines the gain compression point overthe operating freqeuncy range of an ampliffier by successively incrementingthe source powermeasuring the amount of compression until a preset"X"dBlimit is exceeded.
Self test Performs a self test every time power isapplied or when SELF TEST pushbutton is pressed.If an error is detected,adiagnostic code appears,identifying the causelocation of the error.
General Operating temperature 0°to 50℃
Power 48 to 400Hz,300VA
Mass 18kg39lb.
Printer Parallel printer interface is compatiblewith the Canon BJ30,Bj200e,and most Epson FX-compatible printers.
Transit case Hard shell case with custom foam inserts,PN:760-183
EMC Meets European community requirements forCE marking
訂貨信息 Model/Order No. Name
Option 1 Options
Rack mounting with slides
Option 2 70dB RF step attenuator
Option 2A 70dB,20Ghz MW step attenuator
Option 2B 70dB,26.5GHz MW step attenuator
Option 2C 70dB,40GHz MW step attenuator
Option 2D 70dB,50GHz MW step attenuator
Option 4 75Ω source outputavailable to 3.0GHz
Option 5 Add reference channel
Option 6 Add external levelling
Option 7 Internal distance-to-fault software
Option 8 Internal relative group delay software
Option 12 Add front panel cover
Option 13 Add front mounted handles
Option 16 +15V DC supply for millimeter wave source modulesavailablewith<20GHz models only
Option 25 Maintenance manual
Option 26 Extra operationGPIB programming manual
Option 33 Canon printer