這款 8? 位 2002 型高性能數字萬用表不僅提供通常只有花費數千元購買的儀器才有的性能技術指標,而且具有通常 DMM 都沒有的眾多功能。這款 DMM 具有 1nV DCV 靈敏度和 0.0006% 基本精度,還具備 18 種測量功能。為實現更大靈活性,在后面板上的內置卡槽上還可以再插入一個多路器卡用于多點測量。當生產測試、設計驗證和測量應用特別需要高精度時,這款 DMM 就是優秀的選擇。
特點 | 優勢 |
基于 28 位 A/ D 轉換器的真正 8? 位分辨率 | 提供更大的動態量程,避免量程位移錯誤和延遲。 |
優異的測量完整性和高吞吐量 | 在生產環境中迅速準確地測試精密組件。 |
Keysight 3458A 仿真模式 | 在現有系統內保存編程時間 |
高級 AC 測量包括峰值 ACV、AC 或 AC+DC 耦合、RMS 或平均值和低頻 RMS | 減少測試系統中的儀器數量。 |
多測量顯示 | 一次測量連接同時顯示交直電壓以及交流頻率,不再需要額外儀器。 |
適用于 4 線電阻法的單相法 | 測量低電阻快兩倍。 |
用于多點測量的可選插入式開關卡 | 簡化創建自含的多點切換與測量解決方案的過程。 |
內置條形圖顯示 | 追蹤目標值周圍的讀數趨勢,輕松節省離線測量分析時間 |
The characteristics of
The true 8 bit resolution of the 28 bit A/ D converter provides greater dynamic range, avoiding range displacement errors and delays.
Excellent measurement integrity and high throughput
Test precision components quickly and accurately in a production environment.
Keysight 3458A simulation mode saves programming time in the existing system
Advanced AC measurements include peak ACV, AC or AC+DC coupling, RMS or mean and low frequency RMS reducing the number of instruments in the test system.
Multiple measurement displays one measurement connection simultaneously displaying ac voltage and ac frequency, no additional instrument is required.
The unique single-phase method is suitable for the four-wire resistance method to measure the low resistance twice as fast.
Optional plug-in CARDS for multipoint measurements simplify the process of creating self-contained multipoint switching and measurement solutions.
The built-in bar chart shows the reading trend around the tracking target value, which can easily save the time of offline measurement and analysis