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  • autoclave高壓閥門

60VM9071 autoclave高壓閥門

  • 型號60VM9071
  • 品牌
  • 所在地深圳市
  • 更新時間2024-02-07
  • 廠商性質代理商
  • 所在地區廣東
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量39
  • 人氣值199

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深圳市正大流體機電設備有限公司前身為深圳正大流體動力有限公司, 公司自成立以來,一直致力于研究高壓氣體/液體等流體控制的完*方案;公司集研發,生產,銷售為一體,致力于服務我國的國防工業、航空航天,石油石化及科研院所等行業及單位;公司強大的研發隊伍和與美國超高壓設備和配件供應商強強合作,共同致力于國內超高壓領域的研究開發,合作研制全新的超高壓氣體/液體控制設備,始終保持著與超高壓行業的*水平和技術服務;公司開發的全自動電腦控制系統和PLC控制的壓力試驗系統為我們贏得了更多航空航天及國防工業應用項目上的訂單。美國HASKEL公司以其嚴格的質量檢驗體系和*的技術水平獲 ISO9001 認證,并獲美國Z高的軍用標準 MIL-I-45208A 認證.我們做為美國HASKEL&SC公司及美國Autoclave針閥,Butech高溫、高壓閥門產品.在亞洲的銷售和和售后服務維修中心,我們將竭誠為你服務。 我們的目標是為你量身定做較好的超高壓流體設備,有壓力.才有動力.請隨時來電垂詢我們的產品:超高壓高溫針閥,氣動增壓泵及氣動增壓試驗設備(水壓試驗臺,氣密封試驗臺,氮氣增壓機、氫氣增壓機、氧氣增壓機,空氣增壓系統,蓄能器充氣設備,氣體充裝系統,軟管交變試驗臺,軟管脈沖試驗臺,通用閥門/安全閥試驗臺,管材耐壓/爆破試驗臺,化學試劑注入系統 ,井口裝備水壓試驗系統),。 深圳市正大流體機電設備有限公司面向國內的石油化工,天然氣,電力,半導體,航空航天,機械制造,汽車制造,衛生制藥,食品,環保等行業;公司的銷售與技術人員時刻期待您的光臨和洽談,并愿意為您提供優質的產品和高效務實的服務>

autoclave高壓閥門 產品詳情

Autoclave Engineers needle valve針型閥

工作壓力:150,000 psi (10342 bar)
工作溫度范圍:-423°F (-252°C) 到1200°F (649°C)

Low Pressure 10V & SW Series Needle Valves with Pressures to 15,000 psi (1034 bar).
Medium Pressure SM Series Needle Valve with Pressures to 20,000 psi (1379 bar)
15SM Medium Pressure Needle Valve

Medium Pressure SM Series Needle Valve with Pressures to 15,000 psi (1034 bar)

Quick Set (QS Series) Medium Pressure Needle Valves

Series Needle Valves with Pressures to 15,000 psi (1034 bar)

High Pressure Needle Valve

30SC, 43SC, 30VM, 40VM, 60VM, 100VM, and 150V Series Needle Valves for operation to 150,000 psi (10345 bar)

P Series NPT Style Needle Valves

Pressures to 15,000 psi (1034 bar)

Mini Needle Valve

MVE & MV Series 1/16" & 1/8" Needle Valves

Bottle Valve, Needle Style

Male NPT Inlet Needle Valve to 10,000 psi (690 bar)

Micro-Metering Needle Valve

VRMM Series, Micro Metering Valves to 60,000 psi (4137 bar)

Block and Bleed Needle Valve

MVBB Series Block and Bleed Valve to 20,000 psi (1379 bar)

Double Block and Bleed Needle Valve

20DBNV Series Block and Bleed Valve to 20,000 psi (1379 bar)

Wellhead Gauge Valve, Needle Style

Wellhead Gauge and Bleed Needle Valve to 30,000 psi (2068 bar)

Extreme Temperature Needle Valve HT, LT & PV Series Severe Temperature Needle valves to 60,000 psi (4137 bar)
Diverter Needle Valve 20DV Series Diverter Valves to 20,000 psi (1379 bar)
Yoke Style Needle Valve :Y Series Yoke Valves to 50,000 psi (3447 bar)
Needle Valve Options and Optional Materials Available Options for Standard Needle Valves

High Pressure Needle Valves on Autoclave Engineers, Fluid Components Div. Of Snap-tite Inc.

High Pressure Needle Valves

Low Pressure Valves

 10V-SM-BTV Series to 15000 psi (1034 bar)
These valves are a non-rotating rising stem design, working pressures to 15,000 psi (1034 bar). Tubing sizes range from 1/8" to 1". Tubing connections utilize Autoclave's SpeedBite single
ferrule design. Operating temperatures from 0°F to 650°F (-17.8°C to 343°C). 316 stainless steel
construction, other options available.

Medium Pressure Valves


These valves are a non-rotating rising stem design, working pressures to 20000 psi (1379 bar). Tubing sizes range from 1/4" to 1".Tubing connections utilize Autoclave's cone and thread design. Operating temperatures from -423°F to 1200°F (-252°C to 649°C). 316 stainless steel construction, other options available.


15000 psi (1034 bar)
These valves are a non-rotating rising stem design, working pressures to 15,000 psi (1034 bar) in all sizes. Tubing sizes range from 1/4" to 3/4". Tubing connections utilize Autoclave's quick-set single ferrule design in 316 stainless steel construction. Operating temperatures from 0°F to 650°F (-17.8°C to 343°C).

High Pressure Valves

 150000 psi (10342 bar)
All series are a non-rotating rising stem design, working pressures to 100,000 psi (6895 bar). Tubing sizes range from 1/4" to 1". Tubing connections utilize Autoclave's cone and thread design. Operating temperatures from -423°F to 1200°F (-252°C to 649°C). 316 stainless steel construction standard, other material options available.

Pipe valves

All series are a non-rotating rising stem design, working pressures to 15,000 psi (10,345 bar). Pipe sizes range from 1/4" to 1". Operating temperatures from 0°F to 400°F (-17°C to 204°C). 316 stainless steel construction, other options available.

Mini Valves

These valves are a rotating rising stem design, working pressures to 15,000 psi (1034 bar). Tubing sizes range from 1/16" to 1/8".Tubing connections utilize Autoclave's SpeedBite single-ferrule design. Operating temperatures from 0°F to 650°F (-17.8°C to 343°C). 316 stainless steel construction, other material options available.

Bottle Valves

Low Pressure to 10,000 psi (690 bar)
valve design provides male inlet connections from 1/8" to 1/2" NPT. Outlet connections in NPT or tube to 1/4". Rising stem/barstock body design.

Micrometering Valves

Valves for precise control of small flows, for pressures up to 60,000 psi (4137 bar). Tubing sizes from 1/8" to 3/8". Operating temperatures from -423°F to 1200°F (-252°C to 649°C). 316 SS construction, other material options available.

Block and Bleed Valves

Designed for blocking(Isolation), bleeding, and calibration. These valves use a rotating rising stem design rated to 20,000 psi (1379 bar). Tubing size 1/4".Tubing connections utilize the cone and thread design. Operating temperatures from 0°F to 800°F (-17.8°C to 427°C). 316 stainless steel construction, other options available.

Wellhead Gauge and Bleed Valves

Autoclave's Wellhead Gauge valves are designed for reliable shut-off service at a maximum working pressure of 30,000 psi (2068 bar). The Wellhead Gauge and Bleed Valves are standard in 316 stainless steel material. Special materials available on request.

Diverter Valves

Used to divert flow from inlet to one of two outlets, working pressures to 20,000 psi (1379 bar). Tubing sizes range from 9/16" to 1".Tubing connections utilize Autoclave's coned and thread design. Operating temperatures from -423°F to 1200°F (-252°C to 649°C). 316 stainless steel construction, other material options available.

Yoke Valves

Extra heavy duty plant-grade rising stem valves with working pressures to 50,000 psi (3447 bar).
Tubing sizes range from 9/16" to 1".Tubing connections utilize Autoclave's coned and threaded design. Operating temperatures from 0°F to 600°F (-17.8°C to 316°C). 316 stainless steel construction, other material options available.


工作壓力:1034.3 MPa
工作溫度范圍:-423℉ (-252℃) 到1200℉ (649℃)


30SC16071 43SC1607130VM9071 10V8081 20SM12074 MVE2005
30SC16072 43SC16072 30VM9072 10V2072 20SM12084 MV2005
30SC16081 43SC16081 30VM9073 10V2082 20SM16074 15P2001
30SC16082 43SC16082 30VM9074 10V4072 20SM16084 15P2011
30SC16871 43SC16871 30VM9075 10V4082 10SM9074 15P4071
30SC16872 43SC16872 30VM9081 10V6072 10SM9084 15P4081
30SC16881 43SC16881 30VM9082 10V6082 10SM12074 15P6071
30SC16882 43SC16882 30VM9083 10V8072 10SM1208415P6081

30VM4071 30VM6071 30VM9084 10V8082 10SM16074 15P8071
30VM4072 30VM6072 30VM9085 10V2073 10SM16084 15P8081
30VM4073 30VM6073 30VM9871 10V2083 20SM4872 10P12071
30VM4074 30VM6074 30VM9872 10V4073 20SM4882 10P12081
30VM4075 30VM6075 30VM9873 10V4083 20SM6872 10P16071
30VM4081 30VM6081 30VM9874 10V6073 20SM6882 10P16081
30VM4082 30VM6082 30VM9875 10V6083 20SM9872 15P2002
30VM4083 30VM6083 30VM9881 10V8073 20SM9882 15P2012
30VM4084 30VM6084 30VM9882 10V8083 20SM12872 15P4072
30VM4085 30VM6085 30VM9883 10V2074 20SM12882 15P4082
30VM4871 30VM6871 30VM9884 10V2084 20SM16872 15P6072
30VM4872 30VM6872 30VM9885 10V4074 20SM16882 15P6082
30VM4873 30VM6873 60VM9071 10V4084 10SM9872 15P8072
30VM4874 30VM6874 60VM9072 10V6074 10SM9882 15P8082
30VM4875 30VM6875 60VM9073 10V6084 10SM12872 10P12072
30VM4881 30VM6881 60VM9074 10V8074 10SM12882 10P12082
30VM4882 30VM6882 60VM9075 10V8084 10SM16872 10P16072
30VM4883 30VM6883 60VM9081 10V2873 10SM16882 10P16082
30VM4884 30VM6884 60VM9082 10V2882 20SM4075 15P4073
30VM4885 30VM6885 60VM9083 10V4872 20SM408515P4083

40VM9071 40VM9081 60VM9084 10V4882 20SM6075 15P6073
40VM9072 40VM9082 60VM9085 10V6872 20SM6085 15P6083
40VM9075 40VM9085 60VM9871 10V6882 20SM907515P8073



30SC16071 43SC16071 30VM9071 10V8081 20SM12074MVE2005
30SC16072 43SC16072 30VM9072 10V2072 20SM12084 MV2005
30SC16081 43SC16081 30VM9073 10V2082 20SM16074 15P2001
30SC16082 43SC16082 30VM9074 10V4072 20SM16084 15P2011
30SC16871 43SC16871 30VM9075 10V4082 10SM9074 15P4071
30SC16872 43SC16872 30VM9081 10V6072 10SM9084 15P4081
30SC16881 43SC16881 30VM9082 10V6082 10SM12074 15P6071
30SC16882 43SC16882 30VM9083 10V8072 10SM1208415P6081

30VM4071 30VM6071 30VM9084 10V8082 10SM16074 15P8071
30VM4072 30VM6072 30VM9085 10V2073 10SM16084 15P8081
30VM4073 30VM6073 30VM9871 10V2083 20SM4872 10P12071
30VM4074 30VM6074 30VM9872 10V4073 20SM4882 10P12081
30VM4075 30VM6075 30VM9873 10V4083 20SM6872 10P16071
30VM4081 30VM6081 30VM9874 10V6073 20SM6882 10P16081
30VM4082 30VM6082 30VM9875 10V6083 20SM9872 15P2002
30VM4083 30VM6083 30VM9881 10V8073 20SM9882 15P2012
30VM4084 30VM6084 30VM9882 10V8083 20SM12872 15P4072
30VM4085 30VM6085 30VM9883 10V2074 20SM12882 15P4082
30VM4871 30VM6871 30VM9884 10V2084 20SM16872 15P6072
30VM4872 30VM6872 30VM9885 10V4074 20SM16882 15P6082
30VM4873 30VM6873 60VM9071 10V4084 10SM9872 15P8072
30VM4874 30VM6874 60VM9072 10V6074 10SM9882 15P8082
30VM4875 30VM6875 60VM9073 10V6084 10SM12872 10P12072
30VM4881 30VM6881 60VM9074 10V8074 10SM12882 10P12082
30VM4882 30VM6882 60VM9075 10V8084 10SM16872 10P16072
30VM4883 30VM6883 60VM9081 10V2873 10SM16882 10P16082
30VM4884 30VM6884 60VM9082 10V2882 20SM4075 15P4073
30VM4885 30VM6885 60VM9083 10V4872 20SM408515P4083

40VM9071 40VM9081 60VM9084 10V4882 20SM6075 15P6073
40VM9072 40VM9082 60VM9085 10V6872 20SM6085 15P6083
40VM9075 40VM9085 60VM9871 10V6882 20SM907515P8073

30SC16071 43SC1607130VM9071 10V8081 20SM12074 MVE2005
30SC16072 43SC16072 30VM9072 10V2072 20SM12084 MV2005
30SC16081 43SC16081 30VM9073 10V2082 20SM16074 15P2001
30SC16082 43SC16082 30VM9074 10V4072 20SM16084 15P2011
30SC16871 43SC16871 30VM9075 10V4082 10SM9074 15P4071
30SC16872 43SC16872 30VM9081 10V6072 10SM9084 15P4081
30SC16881 43SC16881 30VM9082 10V6082 10SM12074 15P6071
30SC16882 43SC16882 30VM9083 10V8072 10SM1208415P6081

30VM4071 30VM6071 30VM9084 10V8082 10SM16074 15P8071
30VM4072 30VM6072 30VM9085 10V2073 10SM16084 15P8081
30VM4073 30VM6073 30VM9871 10V2083 20SM4872 10P12071
30VM4074 30VM6074 30VM9872 10V4073 20SM4882 10P12081
30VM4075 30VM6075 30VM9873 10V4083 20SM6872 10P16071
30VM4081 30VM6081 30VM9874 10V6073 20SM6882 10P16081
30VM4082 30VM6082 30VM9875 10V6083 20SM9872 15P2002
30VM4083 30VM6083 30VM9881 10V8073 20SM9882 15P2012
30VM4084 30VM6084 30VM9882 10V8083 20SM12872 15P4072
30VM4085 30VM6085 30VM9883 10V2074 20SM12882 15P4082
30VM4871 30VM6871 30VM9884 10V2084 20SM16872 15P6072
30VM4872 30VM6872 30VM9885 10V4074 20SM16882 15P6082
30VM4873 30VM6873 60VM9071 10V4084 10SM9872 15P8072
30VM4874 30VM6874 60VM9072 10V6074 10SM9882 15P8082
30VM4875 30VM6875 60VM9073 10V6084 10SM12872 10P12072
30VM4881 30VM6881 60VM9074 10V8074 10SM12882 10P12082
30VM4882 30VM6882 60VM9075 10V8084 10SM16872 10P16072
30VM4883 30VM6883 60VM9081 10V2873 10SM16882 10P16082
30VM4884 30VM6884 60VM9082 10V2882 20SM4075 15P4073
30VM4885 30VM6885 60VM9083 10V4872 20SM408515P4083
40VM9071 40VM9081 60VM9084 10V4882 20SM6075 15P6073
40VM9072 40VM9082 60VM9085 10V6872 20SM6085 15P6083
40VM9075 40VM9085 60VM9871 10V6882 20SM907515P8073


30SC16071 43SC16071 30VM9071 10V8081 20SM12074MVE2005
30SC16072 43SC16072 30VM9072 10V2072 20SM12084 MV2005
30SC16081 43SC16081 30VM9073 10V2082 20SM16074 15P2001
30SC16082 43SC16082 30VM9074 10V4072 20SM16084 15P2011
30SC16871 43SC16871 30VM9075 10V4082 10SM9074 15P4071
30SC16872 43SC16872 30VM9081 10V6072 10SM9084 15P4081
30SC16881 43SC16881 30VM9082 10V6082 10SM12074 15P6071
30SC16882 43SC16882 30VM9083 10V8072 10SM1208415P6081

30VM4071 30VM6071 30VM9084 10V8082 10SM16074 15P8071
30VM4072 30VM6072 30VM9085 10V2073 10SM16084 15P8081
30VM4073 30VM6073 30VM9871 10V2083 20SM4872 10P12071
30VM4074 30VM6074 30VM9872 10V4073 20SM4882 10P12081
30VM4075 30VM6075 30VM9873 10V4083 20SM6872 10P16071
30VM4081 30VM6081 30VM9874 10V6073 20SM6882 10P16081
30VM4082 30VM6082 30VM9875 10V6083 20SM9872 15P2002
30VM4083 30VM6083 30VM9881 10V8073 20SM9882 15P2012
30VM4084 30VM6084 30VM9882 10V8083 20SM12872 15P4072
30VM4085 30VM6085 30VM9883 10V2074 20SM12882 15P4082
30VM4871 30VM6871 30VM9884 10V2084 20SM16872 15P6072
30VM4872 30VM6872 30VM9885 10V4074 20SM16882 15P6082
30VM4873 30VM6873 60VM9071 10V4084 10SM9872 15P8072
30VM4874 30VM6874 60VM9072 10V6074 10SM9882 15P8082
30VM4875 30VM6875 60VM9073 10V6084 10SM12872 10P12072
30VM4881 30VM6881 60VM9074 10V8074 10SM12882 10P12082
30VM4882 30VM6882 60VM9075 10V8084 10SM16872 10P16072
30VM4883 30VM6883 60VM9081 10V2873 10SM16882 10P16082
30VM4884 30VM6884 60VM9082 10V2882 20SM4075 15P4073
30VM4885 30VM6885 60VM9083 10V4872 20SM408515P4083
40VM9071 40VM9081 60VM9084 10V4882 20SM6075 15P6073
40VM9072 40VM9082 60VM9085 10V6872 20SM6085 15P6083
40VM9075 40VM9085 60VM9871 10V6882 20SM907515P8073

Autoclave Engineers 公司是以生產的高壓閥、接頭和管子而。壓力可以從 0到150,000psi (10342 bar),溫度從-423°F (-252°C) 到1200°F(649°C)。 沒有別的工廠能比AutoclaveEngineers 在高壓要求方面做的更好,也沒有別的工廠能比AutoclaveEngineers做的系統更可靠、更具有創新的特性。


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