電線靜態彎曲試驗機適用于檢測橡塑膠絕緣和護套之軟電纜在負載的動態下曲撓試驗,并在試驗中檢測出電線電纜故障會自動停機。適用于GB/T5023.2-2008條款3.5(試驗要求見GB/T5013.1-2008)、GB/T5013.2-2008條款3.2(試驗要求見GB/T5013.1-2008中5.6.3.2), 3.1.1 of IEC60227-2 ( of IEC60227-1和3.1.1 of IEC60245-2 3.1 ( of IEC60245-1)標準中有關成品軟電纜機械強度試驗中電纜靜態曲繞試驗項目,也適用于UL1581, VDE0472, HD22.1第5.6.3.1和5.6.3.2標準。
GB/T5023.2-2008條款3.5 (試驗要求見GB/T5013.1-2008)<額定電壓450/750V及以下聚氯乙烯絕緣電纜.第2部分:試驗方法>
GB/T5013.2-2008條款3.2(試驗要求見GB/T5013.1-2008中5.6.3.2)<額定電壓450/750V及以下橡皮絕緣電纜 第2部分:試驗方法>
IEC60227-2 “Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltage up to and including 450/750V – Part 2 Test methods”
IEC60245-2 “Rubber insulated cables – Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V – Part 2: Test methods; Amendment 1”
VDE0472 “Testing of cables, wires and flexible cordsLow-temperature brittleness”
HD22.1 “Cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and having cross-linked insulation – Part 10: EPR insulated and polyurethane sheathed flexible cables” 軟電纜的曲撓試驗

圖1 曲撓試驗設備
? 曲撓長度: 200~1500(mm)
? 試樣外徑: φ6~32(mm)
? 試樣長度: 3000±5%(mm)
? 距地高度: 1500mm
? 外形尺寸(長*寬*高): 2000*400*1800mm