"JINLI" brand of reactive power local compensator is a kind of energy saving product developed through the selfhealing type shumt capacitor by the company. The device is mounted beside the introductive load and shunt with it locally to operate.As a result,the power factor of the electric netw orkis promoted,the line loss reduced, the supply voltage of the end load improved, and the supply potential of the low voltage distribution system developd fundamentally.The device is widely applied to the low voltage distribution system of industries of industries and mining enterprises, emporiums and buildings,and electric netw ord ofcountries ro make reactive power local compensation for inductive load.
性能 capability
1. 能將電動機的實際功率因數COSφ 提高到0.95以上。
2. 減少線損、變損。能為企業節約用電10~%。
3. 降低變壓器和線路的視在功率,實際可提高變壓順容量~35%。
4. 減少線路電流,可減少導線截面積10~30%。
5. 延長開關觸頭等電器壽命40%以上。
6. 改善用電質量, 能提高電動機的端電壓3~5%。
7. 每千乏補償容量每年可節約用電150~300 千瓦時( 按電動機每年運行時間1500~3000 小時計算)。
1.Can improve the real power factor COSФ ofmotor to over 0.95.
2.Reduce the wire abrasion or distortion. helpful for enterprise saving electricity 10~%.
3.Reducethe apparentpoweroftransformer and circuit.and really improve the transformer capacity to ~35% .
4.Reduce circuit current.and the sectional area ofconductor to 10~30% can be reduced too.
5.Prolong service life of the electric appliance like switch contact more than 40%,
6.Make the power utilization quality be better.can increase the terminal voltage of motor to 3~5%,
7.Per kilovaar compensated capacity can save the electricity 150~300kw/h (Calculated according to motor every year running time 1500~3000 hours).
主要技術參數 main technical parameter
1. 使用條件: 海拔≤ 00m, 環境溫度:-25℃ ~+40℃,濕度:35℃時≤ 90%;
2. 額定電壓:400VAC,450VAC,525VAC,50Hz;
3. 額定容量:1~150Kvar;
4. 電容量允差:-5%~+10%;
5. 損耗角正切值:tanδ ≤ 0.1%;
6. 允許過電壓:1.1Un;
7. 允許過電流:1.3In;
8. 絕緣性:極殼間大于100MΩ;
9. 自放電特性:切出3 分鐘后,剩余電壓降至75v 以下。
1.SERVICE CONDITl0N:AlAltitude ≤ 00m Ambiebt humidity- 25℃ ~+40℃ ,temperature35℃ , ≤ 90% ;
2.Rated voltage:400VAC,450VAC,525VAC,50Hz;
3.Rated capacity:1~150 Kvar;
4.Capacitance tolerance:-5% ~+10% ;
5.Tangentoftheloss anglele:tanδ ≤ 0.1% ;
6.Max allowable overvoltage:1.1Un
7.Max allowable overCurrent:1.3In
8.Insulation level:Betwee terminal and container 1000MΩ
9.Selfsustained discharge ability:Give-Un Dc voltage to capacitor.the residual voltage reduces to 75V or low er within 3minutes after off.