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MS2711DAnritsu 3G 手持式頻譜分析儀 MS2711D 銷售,租賃,回收
Anritsu MS2711D 手持式頻譜分析儀 100KHz to 3.0 GHz.
Covering the 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz frequency range, with a built in standard pre-amplifier, the MS2711D handheld spectrum analyzer is the proven solution for installing, provisioning, maintaining and troubleshooting wireless systems and RF frequency spectrum interference issues. This portable spectrum analyzer features a built-in standard preamplifier in a compact, handheld design that can go “anywhere, anytime" with no backpack required. Ideal for field environments and applications that require mobility, such as site surveys and on-site system testing.
The MS2711B has been replaced by models MS2711D and MS2721B.