北京中電嘉泰科技有限公司是一家集營銷服務,系統集成,科研開發,生產加工,技術咨詢為一體的多元化高科技公司。公司業務涉及工業控制自動化,電子電器,半導體體材料生產檢測設備等領域。與世界多家公司,如美國HONEYWELL公司,新加坡ACCENT公司, 美國FAIRCHILD公司 ,美國MSI公司密切合作,為客戶提供優質的產品和模塊化的產品解決方案。 公司主要代理美國HONEYWELL傳感和控制類產品,美國FAIRCHILD仙童電源控制類產品,新加坡ACCENT半導體生產檢測設備等產品。公司為客戶提供從產品設計,系統集成,生產加工,安裝調試,技術咨詢培訓等成套的服務。產品和方案涉及傳感器信號調理和控制,儀器設備電子控制,工業信號傳輸與設備連接,半導體生產流程檢測等方面。 Beijing CEGT Science & Technology Co,.Ltd is a company combined with sales service, system integration, research & development, production manufacture,technology information service. Including controlling automatic, electronically appliance, measurement equipment of semiconductor material products etc. closed cooperation with more famous company in the world such as Honewell, Accent, Fairchild, MSI in America. Provided customer with good products & module products pany play as a distributor of Honeywell for sensor, industry controlling products, products of Energy Power controlling of Fairchild Company,products of semiconductor measurement instrument of Accent pany service customer from products design, system Integration, production manufacture, installation & adjustment, technology information service, training etc. products including sensor signal treatmentcontrolling, electro-controlling of instrument equipment, industry signal connection, measurement in the process of semiconductor production line.