. 便攜、重量輕、,只用來檢定扭矩扳手,該設備不用打地腳·
. 數顯表,采集速度快,分辨力高。
. 儀表具有自校標定程序,自我標定校驗方便。
· 傳感器采用應變片式傳感器耐用穩定,系統可連接多個傳感器
· 滾珠絲杠施力施力,穩省力,磨擦系數小,重復精度
. Portable, light weight, only used to test, torque wrench, the equipment need not by foot
. Digital display meter, acquisition speed, high resolution
. Instrument with self calibration calibration procedures, self calibration is convenient
. Sensor using strain gauge sensor and durable stability, the system can be connected with a plurality of sensor
. Ball screw force force, steady effort, the friction coefficient is small, repeat accuracy
型號Type | NJY-500B | NJY-1000B | NJY-3000B |
技術指標 Technical indicators | 。采集速度:Acquisition speed 500次/S(精度accuracy 0.5%) 100次/S(精度accuracy 0.3%) 。量程Range: 5-500N.m 。輸入通道Input channel:4 | 集速度: 500次/S(精度accuracy 0.5%) 100次/S(精度accuracy 0.3%) 。量程Range: 5-1000N.m 。輸入通道Input channel:4 | 。采集速度: 500次/S(精度accuracy 0.5%) 100次/S(精度accuracy 0.3%) 。量程Range: 5-3000N. 。輸入通道Input channel:4 |