■ HK-813W微型荷重傳感器 HK-813W Micro Load Cell | |
適用于空間有限的場合使用。 Apply to small space. | |
量程 Range 10,20,30,50,100,200,300,500,1000,2000(kg) |
額定載荷 Rated Load | 10~2000(kg) |
綜合精度 Comprehensive Precision | 0.5(線性+滯后+重復性) |
靈敏度 Sensitivity | 1.0~1.5 mV/V |
蠕變 Creep | ±0.05 %F·S/30min |
零點輸出 Zero Output | ±1 %F·S |
零點溫度影響 Temperature Effect On Zero | ±0.05 %F·S/10℃ |
輸出溫度影響 Temperature Effect On Output | ±0.05 %F·S/10℃ |
工作溫度 Operating Temperature Range | -20℃~+65℃ |
輸入阻抗 Input Resistance | 350±20 Ω |
輸出阻抗 Output Resistance | 350±3 Ω |
絕緣電阻 Insulation Resistance | >5000 MΩ |
安全過載 Safe Load Limit | 150% F·S |
供橋電壓 Bridge Voltage | 建議 10VDC |
材質 Material | 不銹鋼 Stainless Steel |
傳感器接線方式 Load Cell Mode of Connection | 輸入+:紅 Input+:Red 輸入-:黑 Input-:Black 輸出+:綠 Output+:Green 輸出-:白 Output-:White |