The valve is widely used in the building material, metallurgy, mining, electric power chemical, glass, light industry and food industry etc. It is the ideal equipment to control flow, adjust or cut down powder material.
Structure characteristic:
This valve is good in seal, handy to open and closing, long life and not leaky. There is no contamination and dust influence in driving part. It can be installed at any angle. It also can be opened and closed at any time to change the flow of material. It is especially suitable for non-glutinosity solid powder and crystalloid, grain, solid material to be transported.
Performance parameter
適用溫度 公稱壓力 適用介質
Suitable temperature Nominal pressure Suitable medium
≤120℃ 0.05MPa 空氣、粉塵氣體、固體粉料、晶體料
Air, gas with dust, solid powder, crystalloid
Appearance figure:
Appearance joint dimension:
Working principle
It is mainly made up of frame, gate board, screw pole, nut etc. Rotate the handwheel by hand, then the screw pole drives the nut and gate board move in horizontal to and fro to open or close the valve.
Usage explanation:
l 本閥可水平安裝或垂直安裝,安裝時兩法蘭連接中間必須加密封墊片,然后鎖緊螺栓。
l 操作時手輪順時針旋轉為閥關,反之為開,不得在手輪上再增加輔助杠桿。
l 若長期存放應使設備處于關閉狀態,各傳動部位應加潤滑油,不允許露天存放或堆置。
l It can be installed in horizontal or vertical. Sealing gasket must be put on the connected, then equably tight the bolt.
l You can not add assistant lever to the hand wheel. Clockwise turn of hand wheel means the closing of valve, otherwise it means opening.
l The device should be in the shut-down if the valve-board is placed longer. Driving parts should add lubricated oil. Placing in the open air and piling up is not permitted.
Information for order
l 選用訂貨時,請參照產品樣本注明產品規格、型號及技術參數(使用溫度、設備工況、介質性質等)。
l 表格中未列規格、用于特殊介質或其它特殊要求,請與我公司經銷部、技術部聯系,可為您另行設計、制造。
l Please indicate the type, model and technical parameter (using temperature, working condition of equipment and characteristic of medium etc) referring to the product sample when you place an order.
l If you have other special demand, need special medium or the spec that is not listed in the table, please contact with our department of market and technology. We can design and manufacture for you especially.
地址:中國湖北荊州市沙市區十號路98號 Add: No.98, No 10 Road Shashi District Jingzhou HuheiChina
郵編(Postcode):434006 傳真(Fax): 電話(Tel):0716--4310982