軍用遠程激光測距儀al-pro6000 |
名稱:軍用遠程激光測距儀 型號: al-pro6000 品牌:美國apresys apresys long-distance laser rangefinder (al pro6000)without reflecting prism. the long-distance laser rangefinder is specially designed for land survey. it features far survey range,high accuracy,wide functions,portable carrying and easy operation.it has found use in various engineering measurement fields;riverbed and channel measuring,post or ecommunications or power cable laying,geological survey,meteorology,airfield,forest,etc. |
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名稱:軍用遠程激光測距儀 型號: al-pro6000 品牌:美國apresys apresys long-distance laser rangefinder (al pro6000)without reflecting prism. the long-distance laser rangefinder is specially designed for land survey. it features far survey range,high accuracy,wide functions,portable carrying and easy operation.it has found use in various engineering measurement fields;riverbed and channel measuring,post or ecommunications or power cable laying,geological survey,meteorology,airfield,forest,etc. apresys long-distance laser rangefinder (al pro6000)without reflecting prism. the long-distance laser rangefinder is specially designed for land survey. it features far survey range,high accuracy,wide functions,portable carrying and easy operation.it has found use in various engineering measurement fields;riverbed and channel measuring,post or ecommunications or power cable laying,geological survey,meteorology,airfield,forest,etc. specifications ■ measuring range:30~6000m ■ ranging error:+/-0.5m ■ operating temperature:-10℃~+50℃ ■ repetition rate:1/6~1/3hz ■ output signal:rs232,2400,8,n,2 ■ laser type:yag lasers ■ power:12v ni-mh rechargeable battery-pack ■ field of view:6.5° ■ magnification:7* ■ dustproof,waterproof,shockproof ■ weight:2.2lbs/1kg ■ size:4 1/2”×6”×2 1/8”(115×152×54mm) features ■ no target needed for measurement ■ setting at will of the minimum range gate ■ calculate the mean value of the measured data ■ measure the velocity of a moving ob-ject ■ storage and lookup of the measured data ■ lcd and crosshair illumination ■ setting at will of single or continuous working mode ■ working life statistics of the laser total kit al pro6000 laser rangefinder,adapter,rechargeable battery-box,outside activating cable,padded carrying case. 名稱:軍用遠程激光測距儀 型號: al-pro6000 品牌:美國apresys 性能指標 ■ 測量范圍:30~6000米 ■ 測量誤差:+/-0.5米 ■ 操作溫度:-10℃~+50℃ ■ 揗環速度:1/6~1/3hz ■ 外接連線:rs232,2400,8,n,2 ■ 激光類型:yag 激光 ■ 電源:12v ni-mh rechargeable battery-pack ■ 觀查視野:6.5° ■ magnification:7* ■ dustproof,waterproof,shockproof ■ 重量:2.2lbs/1kg ■ 尺寸:4 1/2”×6”×2 1/8”(115×152×54mm) 特性: ■ 不需要反射物即可測量 ■ 可設置小范圍通道 ■ 精密計算測量數據值 ■ 測量快速移動的目標物 ■ 儲存和查看測量數據 ■ 液晶屏和照明 ■ 可設置單個或持續工作的模式 ■ 激光統計數據 配置: 儀器箱 apresys 激光測距儀 適配器 電池 外置驅動連線 美國apresys al pro6000軍用遠程激光測距儀,不需要反射鏡。長距離激光測距儀是特別設計用來地面測量.它適用于遠距離測量,精度高,功能廣泛,便于攜帶,而且容易操作。它還可用于不同的環境測量,河道、航道,標竿,電信,電纜,地質測量,氣象、機場、森林等。 中國市場公開售價:¥58000.00 優惠價:來電洽詢 apresys®產品的維護與保養 ⒈ 儀器維護 ① 經常檢查儀器外觀及時清除表面的灰塵臟污、油脂、霉斑等。 ② 清潔目鏡、物鏡或激光發射窗時應使用柔軟的干布。嚴禁用硬物刻劃,以免損壞光學性能。 ③ 本機為光、機、電一體化高精密儀器,使用中應小心輕放,嚴禁擠壓或從高處跌落,以免損壞儀器。 ⒉ 故障處理 使用人員排除故障于裝卸和更換電池組以及一些不需要打開儀器的校驗。發現故障應及時與本公司或當地經銷商。嚴禁私自打開儀器,以防機內高壓傷人或進一步擴大故障。 apresys®產品的售后服務 本儀器自售出之日起,保修壹年,凡因制造或元器件引起的質量問題,由美國廠家免費更換零件和維修。如屬于用戶使用不慎或貯存和運輸不當造成的事故損壞,不屬于保修范圍。 本產品實行終身維修,超過保修期,只收取部分檢修費和維修成本費。 中國大陸地區的產品維修請apresys大陸*總代理: 上海勝利測試技術有限公司 上海總部: 地址:上海市中山北路2918號2512室 :+86- 51272726 :+86- 深圳分部: 地址:深圳市福田區上步南路國企大廈永輝樓5h :+86- 25880115 :+86- |
軍用遠程激光測距儀al-pro6000 |
名稱:軍用遠程激光測距儀 型號: al-pro6000 品牌:美國apresys apresys long-distance laser rangefinder (al pro6000)without reflecting prism. the long-distance laser rangefinder is specially designed for land survey. it features far survey range,high accuracy,wide functions,portable carrying and easy operation.it has found use in various engineering measurement fields;riverbed and channel measuring,post or ecommunications or power cable laying,geological survey,meteorology,airfield,forest,etc. |
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名稱:軍用遠程激光測距儀 型號: al-pro6000 品牌:美國apresys apresys long-distance laser rangefinder (al pro6000)without reflecting prism. the long-distance laser rangefinder is specially designed for land survey. it features far survey range,high accuracy,wide functions,portable carrying and easy operation.it has found use in various engineering measurement fields;riverbed and channel measuring,post or ecommunications or power cable laying,geological survey,meteorology,airfield,forest,etc. apresys long-distance laser rangefinder (al pro6000)without reflecting prism. the long-distance laser rangefinder is specially designed for land survey. it features far survey range,high accuracy,wide functions,portable carrying and easy operation.it has found use in various engineering measurement fields;riverbed and channel measuring,post or ecommunications or power cable laying,geological survey,meteorology,airfield,forest,etc. specifications ■ measuring range:30~6000m ■ ranging error:+/-0.5m ■ operating temperature:-10℃~+50℃ ■ repetition rate:1/6~1/3hz ■ output signal:rs232,2400,8,n,2 ■ laser type:yag lasers ■ power:12v ni-mh rechargeable battery-pack ■ field of view:6.5° ■ magnification:7* ■ dustproof,waterproof,shockproof ■ weight:2.2lbs/1kg ■ size:4 1/2”×6”×2 1/8”(115×152×54mm) features ■ no target needed for measurement ■ setting at will of the minimum range gate ■ calculate the mean value of the measured data ■ measure the velocity of a moving ob-ject ■ storage and lookup of the measured data ■ lcd and crosshair illumination ■ setting at will of single or continuous working mode ■ working life statistics of the laser total kit al pro6000 laser rangefinder,adapter,rechargeable battery-box,outside activating cable,padded carrying case. 名稱:軍用遠程激光測距儀 型號: al-pro6000 品牌:美國apresys 性能指標 ■ 測量范圍:30~6000米 ■ 測量誤差:+/-0.5米 ■ 操作溫度:-10℃~+50℃ ■ 揗環速度:1/6~1/3hz ■ 外接連線:rs232,2400,8,n,2 ■ 激光類型:yag 激光 ■ 電源:12v ni-mh rechargeable battery-pack ■ 觀查視野:6.5° ■ magnification:7* ■ dustproof,waterproof,shockproof ■ 重量:2.2lbs/1kg ■ 尺寸:4 1/2”×6”×2 1/8”(115×152×54mm) 特性: ■ 不需要反射物即可測量 ■ 可設置小范圍通道 ■ 精密計算測量數據值 ■ 測量快速移動的目標物 ■ 儲存和查看測量數據 ■ 液晶屏和照明 ■ 可設置單個或持續工作的模式 ■ 激光統計數據 配置: 儀器箱 apresys 激光測距儀 適配器 電池 外置驅動連線 美國apresys al pro6000軍用遠程激光測距儀,不需要反射鏡。長距離激光測距儀是特別設計用來地面測量.它適用于遠距離測量,精度高,功能廣泛,便于攜帶,而且容易操作。它還可用于不同的環境測量,河道、航道,標竿,電信,電纜,地質測量,氣象、機場、森林等。 中國市場公開售價:¥58000.00 優惠價:來電洽詢 apresys®產品的維護與保養 ⒈ 儀器維護 ① 經常檢查儀器外觀及時清除表面的灰塵臟污、油脂、霉斑等。 ② 清潔目鏡、物鏡或激光發射窗時應使用柔軟的干布。嚴禁用硬物刻劃,以免損壞光學性能。 ③ 本機為光、機、電一體化高精密儀器,使用中應小心輕放,嚴禁擠壓或從高處跌落,以免損壞儀器。 ⒉ 故障處理 使用人員排除故障于裝卸和更換電池組以及一些不需要打開儀器的校驗。發現故障應及時與本公司或當地經銷商。嚴禁私自打開儀器,以防機內高壓傷人或進一步擴大故障。 apresys®產品的售后服務 本儀器自售出之日起,保修壹年,凡因制造或元器件引起的質量問題,由美國廠家免費更換零件和維修。如屬于用戶使用不慎或貯存和運輸不當造成的事故損壞,不屬于保修范圍。 本產品實行終身維修,超過保修期,只收取部分檢修費和維修成本費。 中國大陸地區的產品維修請apresys大陸*總代理: 上海勝利測試技術有限公司 上海總部: 地址:上海市中山北路2918號2512室 :+86- 51272726 :+86- 深圳分部: 地址:深圳市福田區上步南路國企大廈永輝樓5h :+86- 25880115 :+86- |