德國力特LIT進口圓盤式蒸汽疏水閥工作原理: 本疏水閥是利用熱動力學特性,當凝結水排流較低時會發生第二次蒸發,并在粘度、密封等方面與蒸汽方面存在差異驅動啟閉件。 進口熱動力圓盤式蒸汽疏水閥結構簡單,價格低,動作可靠.漏氣率<3%,不受壓力波動的影響,壓力范圍大.由于密封面不銹鋼,使用壽命高于國內同類產品. -type disc type steam trap works: The trap is the use of thermal dynamics, when the condensate drain is low, evaporation will occur the second time, and viscosity, sealing and so there are differences with the steam-driven hoist pieces. thermal power disc-type steam trap structure is simple, low cost, reliable action. Leakage rate of <3%, free from pressure fluctuations, pressure range due to the sealing surface of stainless steel, service life than similar domestic products. 進口圓盤式蒸汽疏水閥結構特點: 1、帶蒸汽或空氣保溫裝置,不受環境溫度影響,減少動作頻率,延長壽命。 2、備有過濾器和排污。 3、該閥動作靈敏可靠,排水量大。 W-type disc type steam trap structural characteristics: 1, with steam or air heat unit, from ambient temperature to reduce the operating frequency and prolong life. 2, with filters and sewage. 3, the sensitive and reliable valve action, a large displacement. 進口圓盤式蒸汽疏水閥|進口熱動力式疏水閥|帶排污疏水閥|帶過濾疏水閥
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