華北區500M STD 動態離子污染測試儀 華南區動態離子污染測試儀 華東區動態離子污染測試儀 華中區動態離子污染測試儀 測試儀動態離子污染
Ionograph 500M SP—Small Parts Test Module
? 6" x 6" test cell can detect very small amounts of contamination with accurate precision
? Comes complete with custom basket for sample holding
? Most sensitive of the 500M test modules
? Ideal for testing individual components or extremely small devices
? 6英寸*6英寸,0.75-gallon 測試槽,適用于IC等小型零件產品的精密測試。
Iongroaph 500M STD—Standard Test Module
? 12" x 14" test cell for standard size samples
? Ideal Starter Unit
? Ideal for testing a variety of products ranging from parts to complete PC assemblies
? 12英寸*14英寸,2.7-gallon 測試槽,適用于普通電路板及組裝后的精密測試。
Ionograph 500M LP—Multi-Use Test Module
Large Parts Test Module
? 14" x 20" test cell for larger components
? Allows for testing of oversized samples which could not be accommodated by the other bench top units
? 14英寸*20英寸,5-gallon 測試槽,適用于更大的產品測試。
美國*。離子污染測試儀常用耗材:1 75I/99I測試液 15 Gals of Testsolution 75I ( 5 gal/can) ( 3 can/kit)2離子交換樹脂3打印機4鍵盤5打印色帶6打印紙7主板8打印轉換卡9泵浦10打印控制卡11顯示屏12電磁閥13按鍵14探頭15 #3標準液 SCS離子污染測試儀離子污染檢測儀離子交換柱2.:本公司專業維修及銷售各國離子污染測試儀。
配件充足 銷售各種配件
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