N4002A 回收 Agilent N4002A
Q: 1226365851
Agilent N4002A|SNS系列噪聲源|惠普|安捷倫|噪聲頭|26.5GHz|ENR 15db
The SNS series N4002A noise source was designed to measure DUT noise figures reliable and accuray up to 30 dB from 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz. This noise source comes with an APC 3.5 connector as standard.
Electronic storage of Excess Noise Ratio (ENR) calibration data decreases the opportunity for user error
Automatic download of ENR data to the NFA speeds overall set-up time
Temperature compensation improves measurement accuracy leading to tighter specification of device performance
For complete details, reference the Product Overview
For additional specifications on this product, see the Operating Service Guide
本公司* 回收 :示波器 網絡分析儀 綜合測試儀 頻譜分析儀 信號發生器 噪聲系數分析儀 音頻分析儀 數字萬用表 表程控電源 功率計 頻率計 阻抗分析儀 視頻分析儀 函數信號發生器 LCR電子測試儀 電子負載萬 用表校準儀 示波器校準儀 高壓機 數據采集器 接收/發射機 測量接收機 電纜/天線分析儀 調制度分析儀 藍牙綜測儀 GPIB卡等.