1、閥前進口介質壓力從閥瓣和閥體密封圈開啟間隙進入體腔使介質壓力流滿波紋管的組合箱,波紋管和彈簧因受介質壓力的擠壓而壓縮,閥瓣隨著閥桿位移,閥瓣產生對閥體密封圈的關閉,將閥前介質截止,不作閥后介質壓力的補充。當閥后的介質壓力降低,波紋管因受調節彈簧的徑項力,使波紋管疊紋變形,閥桿將閥瓣頂開。使介質通過閥體密封圈補充閥后壓力的降低。 2、本閥是由閥體、閥蓋、閥瓣、閥體密封圈、閥桿、波紋管、調節彈簧等零件組成,體腔進口組裝有閥瓣、閥體密封圈和輔彈簧,輔彈簧是保持閥瓣和閥體密封圈自動的密封,出口體腔組裝彈性密封元件(波紋管)即保證閥后介質壓力的泄漏和克服壓力不均勻度的補償。螺釘是調整彈簧負荷壓力減壓閥工作性能。
1. The medium pressure at the valve front inlet enters the body cavity from the opening clearance between the disc and the body seal ring, so that the medium pressure flows into the combined box of the bellows. The bellows and springs are compressed by the pressure of the medium. With the displacement of the valve stem, the disc closes the body seal ring and cuts off the medium in front of the valve and does not act as the medium pressure behind the valve. Supplement. When the medium pressure behind the valve decreases, the bellows are deformed by the diameter force of the regulating spring, and the valve stem opens the disc. Make the medium through the valve body seal ring to supplement the pressure drop after the valve. 2. The valve is composed of valve body, cover, disc, body seal ring, stem, bellows, adjusting spring and other parts. The body cavity inlet is assembled with valve disc, body seal ring and auxiliary spring. The auxiliary spring is to keep the valve disc and body seal ring automatically sealed, and the outlet body cavity is assembled with elastic sealing elements (bellows) to ensure the rear of the valve. The leakage of medium pressure and the compensation of overcoming pressure nonuniformity. The screw is used to adjust the working performance of the spring load pressure relief valve.