HI3637 VLF磁場強度測試儀 HI3637 VLF磁場強度測試儀*的三同心正交領域全向探頭可真實的對計算機顯示器及工業熱處理設備等的磁場等VLF磁場源進行準確的測量,連接數據記錄器或者圖形記錄器可觀察檢測數據的變化情況。HI3637磁場強度測試儀低頻開關滿足瑞典國家測量測試局MPR電磁場輻射規范和美國電氣和電子工程師協會(IEEE)1140規定的視頻顯示終端磁場測量要求。 特點: • 2–400KHz • 0.06mG–400G (用100個探頭) •三同心正交領域全向探頭 •真有效值讀數 規格 頻率范圍:2–400kHz ± 3 dB(SWEDAC) 檢測量程:標準探頭:6nT–400μT(相當于0.06mG–4G) X100探頭:600nT–40mT(相當于6mG–400G) 標準滿量程:40nT,400nT,4μT,40μT,400μT 可選擇刻度:0.4mG,4mG,40mG,400mG,4G。 在A/m狀態下:30mA/m,300mA/m,3A/m,30A/m,300A/m。 標準探頭:外置三軸同心多旋轉圈探頭,110mm內徑,116mm外徑,面積0.01m2,整體直徑為127mm,手柄長 292mm,電纜長1.2m,重量0.45kg。 X100探頭:外置三軸同心單旋轉圈探頭,尺寸12.7mm,面積6.35m2,整體直徑34.3mm,整體長度292mm,電纜長 1.5m,重量0.31kg。 精度:± 5% 規定量程 線性:± 2% 滿刻度 電源:12付1400 mA可充電鎳鉻電池,可連續工作20小時 充電時間:110/220 VAC, 16小時 輸出信號:0-2.5Vdc (25mA) 儀器尺寸:168 x 105 x 70mm 重量:儀器:0.88kg 工作環境: 溫度:10°C–40°C 濕度:5%-95%,無冷凝 HI-3637 Isotropic VLF Magnetic Field Meter Make isotropic measurements simply and economically with the HI-3637 VLF Meter. Three orthogonal sensing coils are combined into a vector sum to provide accurate magnetic field measurements from any VLF magnetic source. Key Features 0.06 mG - 400 G (with 100X probe) 2 - 400 kHz Three concentric orthogonal field sensors True RMS Detection Description The HI-3637's remote sensor and analog meter make quick work of finding VLF magnetic field distributions in any application. Its wide dynamic range makes the HI-3637 useful for measurement applications from VDT's and computer monitors to high current factory locations. Connect a data logger or chart recorder to the recorder output to monitor field variation. The frequency response meets both the Swedish and IEEE 1140 specifications for VDT testing. Standard Configuration Battery Charger Custom Fitted Carrying Case User Manual Options 100X Probe 491009 Dielectric Tripod Probe - Tripod adaptor Electrical Specifications Battery:12 Volt Rechargeable Frequency Response:2 kHz - 400 kHz Sensitivity (in five ranges):100 x Sensor: 600 nT-40mT (60 mG-400 G) Std. Sensor: 6 nT-400 µT (0.06 mG-4 G) Sensor:3 Concentric, Orthogonal, Shielded Sensor Coils (0.01 m2 nominal sensing area)