


儀表網>產品庫>系統集成及工控>PAC/PLMC>I/O模塊>現貨供應德國Beckhoff 倍福EJ3048
  • 現貨供應德國Beckhoff 倍福EJ3048
  • 現貨供應德國Beckhoff 倍福EJ3048
  • 現貨供應德國Beckhoff 倍福EJ3048
  • 現貨供應德國Beckhoff 倍福EJ3048
  • 現貨供應德國Beckhoff 倍福EJ3048

Beckhoff EK1110 現貨供應德國Beckhoff 倍福EJ3048

  • 型號BeckhoffEK1110
  • 品牌其他品牌
  • 所在地上海
  • 更新時間2025-02-23
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 入駐年限4
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量8718
  • 人氣值143896
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——歐美工業品集成商 上海 Dagger 是致力于為中國大陸廣大客戶提供一站式歐美原產工控 機電設備,儀器儀表,備品備件的采購供應商。公司立足上海。總部位于歐洲航 空中心德國法蘭克福,保證原裝,源頭采購,杜絕國內代理、辦事處、經銷商的層層 加價,給您一手的優惠報價,而且通過拼單發貨,并與優秀國際物流服務商攜手合作,保證 貨期的準確與快速,帶給客戶良好的購物體驗

產地進口 加工定制
現貨供應德國Beckhoff 倍福EJ3048
beckoff EJ3048 EtherCAT plug-in module, 8-channel analog input, current, 0…20 mA, 12 bit, single-ended
現貨供應德國Beckhoff 倍福EJ3048 產品詳情

beckoff EJ3048 EtherCAT plug-in module, 8-channel analog input, current, 0…20 mA, 12 bit, single-ended

品牌介紹:Beckhoff 倍福是一家工業自動化和控制系統供應商,總部位于德國。自1990年成立以來,Beckhoff 倍福一直致力于為客戶提供高質量、高性能的自動化和控制系統解決方案,涵蓋PLC、人機界面、運動控制、機器視覺等領域。Beckhoff 倍福的產品已廣泛應用于汽車、機床、半導體、食品飲料、物流等各個領域,深受客戶信賴。

該品牌主要經營的產品種類介紹:PLC控制器:Beckhoff 倍福提供各種類型的PLC控制器,包括模塊化PLC、高速PLC、安全PLC等,可滿足各種控制需求。

人機界面:Beckhoff 倍福提供各種類型的人機界面,包括觸摸屏、工業PC、手持終端等,可方便地實現人機交互。

運動控制:Beckhoff 倍福提供各種類型的運動控制產品,包括伺服驅動器、步進驅動器、運動控制卡等,可實現高精度的運動控制。

機器視覺:Beckhoff 倍福提供各種類型的機器視覺產品,包括工業相機、視覺傳感器、視覺處理軟件等,可實現高精度的視覺檢測和定位。

工業通信:Beckhoff 倍福提供各種類型的工業通信產品,包括以太網交換機、工業無線模塊、網絡通訊卡等,可實現可靠的工業通信。

主要應用領域:Beckhoff 倍福的產品廣泛應用于各個領域,包括制造業、物流、建筑自動化、機床等。其控制系統已應用于各種自動化生產線、機器人控制、半導體制造、食品飲料生產等領域,為客戶提供了高效、穩定、可靠的自動化控制方案。

常見產品系列及系列型號:Beckhoff 倍福的常見產品系列包括:






現貨供應德國Beckhoff 倍福EJ3048

現貨供應德國Beckhoff 倍福EJ3048

beckoff EJ3048 EtherCAT plug-in module, 8-channel analog input, current, 0…20 mA, 12 bit, single-ended
beckoff EJ3058 EtherCAT plug-in module, 8-channel analog input, current, 4…20 mA, 12 bit, single-ended
beckoff EJ3068 EtherCAT plug-in module, 8-channel analog input, voltage, 0…10 V, 12 bit, single-ended
beckoff EJ3104 EtherCAT plug-in module, 4-channel analog input, voltage, ±10 V, 16 bit, differential
beckoff EJ3108 EtherCAT plug-in module, 8-channel analog input, voltage, ±10 V, 16 bit
beckoff EJ3202 EtherCAT plug-in module, 2-channel analog input, temperature, RTD (Pt100), 16 bit
beckoff EJ3214 EtherCAT plug-in module, 4-channel analog input, temperature, RTD (Pt100), 16 bit, 3-wire connection
beckoff EJ3255 EtherCAT plug-in module, 5-channel analog input, potentiometer, 300 Ω…50 kΩ, 16 bit
beckoff EJ3318 EtherCAT plug-in module, 8-channel analog input, temperature, thermocouple, 16 bit
beckoff EJ4002 EtherCAT plug-in module, 2-channel analog output, voltage, 0…10 V, 12 bit
beckoff EJ4004 EtherCAT plug-in module, 4-channel analog output, voltage, 0…10 V, 12 bit
beckoff EJ4008 EtherCAT plug-in module, 8-channel analog output, voltage, 0…10 V, 12 bit
beckoff EJ4018 EtherCAT plug-in module, 8-channel analog output, current, 0…20 mA, 12 bit
beckoff EJ4024 EtherCAT plug-in module, 4-channel analog output, current, 4…20 mA, 12 bit
beckoff EJ4132 EtherCAT plug-in module, 2-channel analog output, voltage, ±10 V, 12 bit
beckoff EJ4134 EtherCAT plug-in module, 4-channel analog output, voltage, ±10 V, 16 bit
beckoff EJ5002 EtherCAT plug-in module, 2-channel encoder interface, SSI
beckoff EJ5042-0010 EtherCAT plug-in module, 2-channel encoder interface, BiSS-C, without sensor supply
beckoff EJ5101 EtherCAT plug-in module, 1-channel encoder interface, incremental, 5 V DC (DIFF RS422, TTL), 1 MHz
beckoff EJ5112 EtherCAT plug-in module, 2-channel encoder interface, incremental, 5 V DC (DIFF RS422, TTL, open collector), 5 MHz, 2 x AB/1 x ABC
beckoff EJ5151 EtherCAT plug-in module, 1-channel encoder interface, incremental, 24 V DC HTL, 100 kHz
beckoff EJ6002 EtherCAT plug-in module, 2-channel communication interface, serial, RS232/RS422/RS485
beckoff EJ6070 EtherCAT plug-in module, license key for TwinCAT 3.1
beckoff EJ6080 EtherCAT plug-in module, 1-channel communication interface, memory, 128 kbyte, NOVRAM
beckoff EJ6224 EtherCAT plug-in module, 4-channel communication interface, IO-Link, master
beckoff EJ6224-0090 EtherCAT plug-in module, 4-channel communication interface, IO-Link, master, TwinSAFE SC
beckoff EJ6910 EtherCAT plug-in module, communication interface, TwinSAFE, TwinSAFE Logic
beckoff EJ7031 EtherCAT plug-in module, 1-channel motion interface, stepper motor, 24 V DC, 1.5 A
beckoff EJ7037 EtherCAT plug-in module, 1-channel motion interface, stepper motor, 24 V DC, 1.5 A, with incremental encoder
beckoff EJ7041-0052 EtherCAT plug-in module, 1-channel motion interface, stepper motor, 48 V DC, 5 A
beckoff EJ7047 EtherCAT plug-in module, 1-channel motion interface, stepper motor, 48 V DC, 5 A, vector control, with incremental encoder
beckoff EJ7211-0010 EtherCAT plug-in module, 1-channel motion interface, servomotor, 48 V DC, 4.5 A, OCT
beckoff EJ7211-9414 EtherCAT plug-in module, 1-channel motion interface, servomotor, 48 V DC, 4.5 A, OCT, suitable for STO applications, TwinSAFE SC
beckoff EJ7334-0008 EtherCAT plug-in module, 4-channel motion interface, DC motor, 24 V DC, 3 A
beckoff EJ7342 EtherCAT plug-in module, 2-channel motion interface, DC motor, 48 V DC, 3.5 A, with incremental encoder
beckoff EJ7411 EtherCAT plug-in module, 1-channel motion interface, BLDC motor, 48 V DC, 4.5 A, with incremental encoder, suitable for STO applications
beckoff EJ9001 EtherCAT plug-in module, placeholder module
beckoff EJ9400 EtherCAT plug-in module, power supply module for E-bus, 2.5 A
beckoff EJ9404 EtherCAT plug-in module, power supply module for E-bus, 12 A
beckoff EJ9505 EtherCAT plug-in module, power supply module 5 V DC
beckoff EJ9576 EtherCAT plug-in module, brake chopper module
beckoff EK1000 EtherCAT TSN Coupler for networks with standard switch or with TSN-capable switch
beckoff EK1100 EtherCAT Coupler for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EK1100-0008 EtherCAT Coupler for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx), with M8 screw-type connectors
beckoff EK1101 EtherCAT Coupler with ID switch for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EK1101-0008 EtherCAT Coupler with ID switch for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx) and M8 screw-type connectors
beckoff EK1101-0010 EtherCAT Coupler with ID switch for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx), ExtendedRange
beckoff EK1101-0080 EtherCAT Coupler with ID switch for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx), Fast Hot Connect
beckoff EK1110 EtherCAT extension
beckoff EK1110-0008 EtherCAT extension, with M8 socket
beckoff EK1110-0043 EtherCAT EJ coupler, CX and EL terminal connection
beckoff EK1110-0043 EtherCAT EJ coupler, CX and EL terminal connection
beckoff EK1110-0044 EtherCAT EJ coupler, CX and EL terminal connection, EtherCAT junction
beckoff EK1110-0044 EtherCAT EJ coupler, CX and EL terminal connection, EtherCAT junction
beckoff EK1121-0010 1-port EtherCAT junction, Extended Distance
beckoff EK1122 2-port EtherCAT junction
beckoff EK1122-0008 2-port EtherCAT junction, with M8 screw-type connectors
beckoff EK1122-0080 2-port EtherCAT junction, Fast Hot Connect
beckoff EK1300 EtherCAT P Coupler for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EK1300 EtherCAT P Coupler for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EK1310 EtherCAT P extension
beckoff EK1310 EtherCAT P extension
beckoff EK1322 2-port EtherCAT P junction
beckoff EK1322 2-port EtherCAT P junction
beckoff EK1400 EtherCAT G Coupler for E-bus Terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EK1501 EtherCAT Coupler with ID switch, multi-mode fiber optic for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EK1501-0010 EtherCAT Coupler with ID switch, single-mode fiber optic for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx), distance between stations up to 20 km
beckoff EK1501-0100 EtherCAT Coupler, media converter (multi-mode fiber optic to RJ45) with ID switch, for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EK1521 1-port EtherCAT multi-mode fiber-optic junction
beckoff EK1521-0010 1-port EtherCAT single-mode fiber-optic junction, distance between stations up to 20 km
beckoff EK1541 EtherCAT Coupler with ID switch, plastic optical fiber for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EK1561 1-port EtherCAT plastic optical fiber junction
beckoff EK1814 EtherCAT Coupler for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx) with integrated digital I/Os:
– 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, filter 3.0 ms, type 3
– 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, 0.5 A, 1-wire system
beckoff EK1818 EtherCAT Coupler for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx) with integrated digital I/Os:
– 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, filter 3.0 ms, type 3
– 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, 0.5 A, 1-wire system
beckoff EK1828 EtherCAT Coupler for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx) with integrated digital I/Os:
– 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, filter 3.0 ms, type 3
– 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, 0.5 A, 1-wire system
beckoff EK1828-0010 EtherCAT Coupler for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx) with integrated digital I/Os:
– 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, 0.5 A, 1-wire system
beckoff EK1914 EtherCAT Coupler for E-bus terminals (ELxxxx) with integrated digital standard and safety I/Os:
– 6 digital inputs, 2 of which are fail-safe inputs, 24 V DC, filter 3.0 ms, type 3
– 6 digital outputs, 2 of which are fail-safe outputs, 24 V DC, 0.5 A, 1-wire system
beckoff EK1960-0000 TwinSAFE Compact Controller for EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx) with integrated I/Os:
– safe digital inputs 24 V DC
– safe digital outputs 24 V DC, 2 A, 1-wire system
safety protocol: TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT
connection: RJ45
beckoff EK1960-0008 TwinSAFE Compact Controller for EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx) with integrated I/Os:
– safe digital inputs 24 V DC
– safe digital outputs 24 V DC, 2 A, 1-wire system
safety protocol: TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT
connection: M8
beckoff EK1960-2600 TwinSAFE Compact Controller for EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx) with integrated I/Os:
– safe digital inputs 24 V DC
– safe digital outputs 24 V DC, 2 A, 1-wire system
– safe digital outputs, potential-free make contacts
safety protocol: TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT
connection: RJ45
beckoff EK1960-2608 TwinSAFE Compact Controller for EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx) with integrated I/Os:
– safe digital inputs 24 V DC
– safe digital outputs 24 V DC, 2 A, 1-wire system
– safe digital outputs, potential-free make contacts
safety protocol: TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT
connection: M8
beckoff EK3100 PROFIBUS Bus Coupler for EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EK9000 Modbus TCP Bus Coupler for EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EK9160 IoT Bus Coupler for EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EK9160 IoT Bus Coupler for EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EK9300 PROFINET RT Bus Coupler for EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EK9500 EtherNet/IP Bus Coupler for EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx)
beckoff EKM1101 EtherCAT Coupler with ID switch and diagnostics for E-bus terminals, electrically isolated
beckoff EL1002 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms
beckoff EL1004 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms
beckoff EL1004-0020 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms, isolation voltage 2500 V DC
beckoff EL1008 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms
beckoff EL1012 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs
beckoff EL1014 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs
beckoff EL1018 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs
beckoff EL1024 EherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms, type 2
beckoff EL1034 EherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs, potential-free
beckoff EL1052 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, NAMUR
beckoff EL1054 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, NAMUR
beckoff EL1084 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms, ground switching
beckoff EL1088 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms, ground switching
beckoff EL1094 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs, ground switching
beckoff EL1098 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs, ground switching
beckoff EL1104 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms, 2-/3-wire connection
beckoff EL1114 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs, 2-/3-wire connection
beckoff EL1124 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 5 V DC, 0.05 µs
beckoff EL1134 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 48 V DC, 10 µs
beckoff EL1144 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 12 V DC, 10 µs
beckoff EL1202 EherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 1 µs
beckoff EL1252 EherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 1 µs, timestamp
beckoff EL1252-0050 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, 5 V DC, 1 µs, timestamp
beckoff EL1254 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 1 µs, timestamp
beckoff EL1258 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 1 µs, multi-timestamp
beckoff EL1258-0010 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 1 µs, ground switching, multi-timestamp
beckoff EL1259 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital input + 8-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 1 µs, 0.5 A, multi-timestamp
beckoff EL1262 EherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 1 µs, oversampling
beckoff EL1262-0010 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input + 2-channel digital output, 5 V DC, 100 ns, 0.1 A, RS422/RS485, oversampling
beckoff EL1262-0050 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, 5 V DC, 1 µs, oversampling
beckoff EL1382 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, thermistor, 30 ms
beckoff EL1502 EherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, counter, 24 V DC, 100 kHz
beckoff EL1512 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, counter, 24 V DC, 1 kHz
beckoff EL1702 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, 120…230 V AC, 10 ms
beckoff EL1702-0020 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, 220 V DC, 3 ms
beckoff EL1712 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, 120 V AC/DC, 10 ms
beckoff EL1712-0020 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, 120 V DC, 3 ms
beckoff EL1722 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital input, 120…230 V AC, 10 ms, without power contacts
beckoff EL1804 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms, 3-wire connection
beckoff EL1808 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms, 2-wire connection
beckoff EL1809 EtherCAT Terminal, 16-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms
beckoff EL1814 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs, 3-wire connection
beckoff EL1819 EtherCAT Terminal, 16-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs
beckoff EL1852 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital input + 8-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 3 ms, 0.5 A, flat-ribbon cable
beckoff EL1859 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital input + 8-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 3 ms, 0.5 A
beckoff EL1862 EtherCAT Terminal, 16-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms, flat-ribbon cable
beckoff EL1862-0010 EtherCAT Terminal, 16-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms, ground switching, flat-ribbon cable
beckoff EL1872 EtherCAT Terminal, 16-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs, flat-ribbon cable
beckoff EL1872-0010 EtherCAT Terminal, 16-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs, ground switching, flat-ribbon cable
beckoff EL1889 EtherCAT Terminal, 16-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 3 ms, ground switching
beckoff EL1899 EtherCAT Terminal, 16-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs, ground switching
beckoff EL1904 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital input, 24 V DC, TwinSAFE
beckoff EL1918 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital input, 24 V DC, TwinSAFE, TwinSAFE Logic
beckoff EL2002 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A
beckoff EL2004 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A
beckoff EL2008 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A
beckoff EL2014 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A, with diagnostics
beckoff EL2022 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 2 A
beckoff EL2024 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 2 A
beckoff EL2024-0010 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital output, 12 V DC, 2 A
beckoff EL2032 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 2 A, with diagnostics
beckoff EL2034 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 2 A, with diagnostics
beckoff EL2042 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 2 x 4 A/1 x 8 A
beckoff EL2044 EherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 2 A, with extended diagnostics
beckoff EL2084 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A, ground switching
beckoff EL2088 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A, ground switching
beckoff EL2124 EherCAT Terminal, 4-channel digital output, 5 V DC, 20 mA
beckoff EL2202 EherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A, push-pull, tristate
beckoff EL2212 EherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital output, 24…72 V DC, 10 A, overexcitation, multi-timestamp
beckoff EL2252 EherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A, timestamp
beckoff EL2258 EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A, multi-timestamp
beckoff EL2262 EherCAT Terminal, 2-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A, oversampling
beckoff EL2502 EherCAT Terminal, 2-channel PWM output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A
beckoff EL2502-0010 EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel PWM output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A, timestamp

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