武漢市元臻科技有限公司,簡稱元臻科技,是專業的電子測量儀器綜合服務商。元臻科技專注于電子測試儀器和測試技術領域,為科研,教學和企業提供測試儀器儀表解決方案。 公司成立于2014年,總部設在武漢,并在長沙、廣州、香港等地都設有業務辦事處。客戶主要涵蓋:中國具有影響力的企業、研究所、大學教學研究機構和大型工廠等。 公司成立至今,先后引進美國、德國、日本等國家或地區的設備和技術,主要業務包括測試技術和方案咨詢、測試方案優化和軟硬件系統集成、國內外品牌電子測量儀器的代理銷售和技術支持等綜合服務業務等。 元臻科技在電子測量儀器領域有專業的突出表現,公司與國內外多家電子測試儀器品牌廠家合作代理,包括:美國力科、美國泰克吉時利、德國羅德與施瓦茨、美國福?克、中國臺灣艾德克斯、法國C.A、致遠電子等。 武漢市元臻科技有限公司擁有一批在電子測試儀器和測試技術領域經驗豐富的專業團隊,我們的團隊在不斷提升整合能力的同時,也能為客戶提供定制化的“量體裁衣"服務。YUANZHEN(HONG KONG)TRADE CO.,LIMITEDIntroduce: In order to better meet the needs of cusomers, YUANZHEN(HONG KONG) TRADE CO.,LIMITED launched international trade business in 2017, committed to providing import duty-free services for educational and scientific research institutions. Have the professional ability of acting for import and export of goods, goods repair, etc. Good cooperation with domestic and foreign manufacturers and equipment suppliers. The international trade business team of YUANZHEN(HONG KONG) TRADE CO.,LIMITED has been serving the education system for a long time with its excellent business and rich experience, providing efficient and high-quality international trade services for its partners. Since its establishment, it has established and maintained cooperative relations with many well-known universities in China.