蓄纜筐用吊具電纜適用于移動設備如快速運行集裝箱吊車、起重設備,可行駛大型設備和挖掘機、 地面和井下采礦等有較高機械應力的場合。
The cables are suitable for movable facilities such as movable cranes for container, lifts,movable bieger facilities,grab dredgers and the sites of machinery stress caused by mining on the ground/well bottoms.
The cables are suitable for feeding machines,vertical collection basket systems especially under a high mechanical stress 一、用途Application
適用于移動設備如快速運行集裝箱吊車、起重設備,可行駛大型設備和挖掘機、 地面和井下采礦等有較高機械應力的場合。
The cables are suitable for movable facilities such as movable cranes for container, lifts,movable bieger facilities,grab dredgers and the sites of machinery stress caused by mining on the ground/well bottoms.
1.外護套Outer sheath
4.銅導體Copper conductor
6.鉛珠鏈Lead chains
7.編織加強層Braided reinforce layer 三、性能Properties
The rated voltage U/U of the cables is 0.6/lkV.
2.電纜的長期允許工作溫度為70℃,戶外工作溫度為-25℃,電纜具有耐臭 氧、外線和潮濕的特性。
The permissible continuing temperature is 70℃.The cables could work under the lowest temperature-25C outer door and with the performances of ozone resistant, UV resistant and humidity resistant.
3.電纜的絕緣材料原始機械性能:強度15Mpa,伸長率180%; 電纜的護套材料原始機械性能:強度20Mpa,伸長率500%。 The physical properties of the cables:
Isolation Tensile strength Mpa Elongation%
Insulation 15 180
Sheath 20 500
The cables are with the perfurmance of oil resistant.
四、規(guī)格Specification 標稱截面 mm2 Cross section | 電纜 外徑mm Max.OD of cable |
30×2.5 | 35.5 |
36×2.5 | 39.0 |
42×2.5 | 41.5 |
48×2.5 | 46.2 |
54×2.5 | 52.0 |
Remarlk:the cable can be produced optical fiber cable ,If client have requese