港機低壓卷盤電纜適用于移動設各如快速運行集裝箱吊車、起重設備,可行駛大型設備和挖掘機、 地面和井下采礦等有較高機械應力的場合。
The cables are suitable for movable facilities such as movable cranes for container, lifts,movable bieger facilities,grab dredgers and the sites of machinery stress caused by mining on the ground/well bottoms.
1.銅導體Copper conductor
3.接地芯Ground core
4.內護套Inner sheath
5.芳綸編織加強層 Kevlar braided reinforce layer
6.外護套Outcr shcath
二、性能Properties 1.電纜的長期允許工作溫度為90℃,戶外工作溫度為-35℃,并具各耐臭氧, 紫外線和潮濕的特性。
The permissible continuing temperature is 90℃.The cables could work under the lowest temperature-35℃ outer door and with the performances of ozone resistant, UV resistant and humidity resistant.
The rated voltage U/U of the cables are 0.6/lkV
The cables are with NBR rubber compound as an insulation and PUR compound for inner/outer sheath.
The cablesare with the performance of oil resistant.
The primary cores are colored in black,inner/outer sheath are in black.
三、規格 Specification 標稱截面 mm2 Cross section | 電纜 外徑 mm Max. OD of cable |
3×25+3×6 | 32 |
3×35+3×6 | 35 |
3×50+3×10 | 39 |
3×70+3×16 | 45 |
3×70+3×16 | 51 |
3×120+3×16 | 56 |
3×150+3×25 | 61 |
3×185+3×35 | 67 |
3×240+3×50 | 74 |
在以上規格基礎上,還可加6芯光纖,12芯光纖甚至更多光纖復合低壓卷盤電纜。詳詢上海雙尖電纜科技有限公司,恭候您的光臨。 Remarlk:the cable can be produced optical fiber cable ,If client have requese