一、結構 Construction
1.鍍錫銅導體Tinned copper conductor
3.內護套Inner sheath
5.金屬屏蔽Screened with tinned copper braided
6.外護套Outer sheath 二、性能Properties
1.電纜的長期允許工作溫度為90℃,戶外工作溫度為-35C,并具備耐臭氧、紫外線和潮濕的特性。 The permissible continuing temperature is 90℃.The cables could work under the lowest temperature-35C outer door and with the performances of ozone resistant.UV resistant and humidity resistant.
2.電纜的額定電壓U0/U為0.6/lkV。The rated voltage Uo/U of the cables is 0.6/lkV.
3.電纜的交流試驗電壓為2.5kV,5分鐘。Test AC voltagc;2.5Kv for 5min.
The insulation layer is NBR rubber mixture, the inner sheath is NBR rubber mixture, and the outer sheath is PUR polyurethane.
The primary cores are individually colored in black.blue and brown.the ground core is in yellow/green.
There is a tinned copper wires braided layer.The density of the braiding should be more than 80%.
The cables are with the performance of oil resistant.
三、規格Specification 標際截面mm2 Cross sction | 電纜近似外徑mm Approx. overll diamcter |
3x4+3×l.5 | 21.8 |
3x6+3×2 | 23.7 |
3x10+3×4 | 27.9 |
3x16+3×4 | 30.3 |
3x25+3×6 | 35.7 |
3x35+3×6 | 39.6 |
3x50+3×10 | 44.8 |